This web service is a Java web application, which reads one or a small number of MARC records, analyses them, and displays issues it found. This application is just a lightweight wrapper around the QA catalogue.
At https://YOURSERVER/ws there is a web form.
The REST API endpoint is available at https://YOURSERVER/ws/validate
You can use the following parameters (see more details here):
(optional, String, default: "MARC21") MARC version. Other options: DNB, OCLC, GENT, SZTE, FENNICA, NKCR, BL, MARC21NO, UVA, B3KATmarcFormat
(optional, String, default value: "XML") The input file format. Other options: ISO, XML ALEPHSEQ, LINE_SEPARATED, MARC_LINEdetails
(optional, boolean)trimId
(optional, boolean)summary
(optional, boolean)outputFormat
(optional, String, defaultValue = "csv") The output format. Other options: tsv, tab-separated, csv, comma-separated, text, txt, jsondefaultRecordType
(optional, String, defaultValue = "BOOKS") The record type to use if the record's own value is invalid. Other options: CONTINUING_RESOURCES, MUSIC, MAPS, VISUAL_MATERIALS, COMPUTER_FILES, MIXED_MATERIALScontent
(optional, String) The MARC record(s) as a stringfile
(optional, file) The MARC record(s) in a file
Validate a binary marc file in pure MARC21 schema:
curl -X POST \
-F 'marcVersion=MARC21' \
-F 'marcFormat=ISO' \
-F 'details=false' \
-F 'trimId=false' \
-F 'summary=false' \
-F 'format=csv' \
-F 'defaultRecordType=BOOKS' \
-F file=@/path/to/records.mrc \
Validate an alephseq file in with data elements defined in the Fennica catalogue:
curl -X POST \
-F 'marcVersion=MARC21' \
-F 'marcFormat=ALEPHSEQ' \
-F 'details=false' \
-F 'trimId=false' \
-F 'summary=false' \
-F 'format=csv' \
-F 'defaultRecordType=BOOKS' \
-F file=@/path/to/records.alephseq \
This webservice can be launched in two ways. At the end of the process the service will be accessible from port 8080 (so as http://localhost:8080/ws and http://YOURSERVER:8080/ws)
For the time being the service creates some temporary files. Please create a directory, which is writable to the user who runs the process (e.g. if you run the application in Tomcat, it is Tomcat user).
sudo mkdir /tmp/ws
sudo chown Tomcat /tmp/ws
sudo chmod u+w /tmp/ws
(Later the directory will be configurable, but now it is not. Sorry for the inconvenience.)
nohup mvn spring-boot:run &
In this section I suppose you use Ubuntu, and installed tomcat with the the package manager (sudo apt install tomcat9
Depending your mode of installation the way to stop/start Tomcat and where is Tomcat's webapps directory might be different.
- build the application
mvn clean package
- Stop Tomcat
sudo service tomcat9 stop
- deploy the application
cp target/ws.war /var/lib/tomcat9/webapps/
Note: Tomcat might be in a different location in your server, the important part is that you should put it into the webapps
- Start Tomcat
sudo service tomcat9 start
In most of the system port 8080 is not available from outside, so you have to change the webserver to make a proxy, which let users access it via port 80. The following description will use Apache https server on Ubuntu machine.
- Install proxy modules
sudo a2enmod proxy
sudo a2enmod proxy_http
- edit main Apache conf
sudo nano /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
add the following line
LoadModule proxy_module modules/
- edit the site configuration files
sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/default-ssl.conf
sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf
add the following lies:
ProxyRequests off
<Proxy *>
Order deny,allow
Allow from all
ProxyPass /ws http://localhost:8080/ws connectiontimeout=300 timeout=300
- restart the webserver
sudo service apache2 restart