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QA Catalogue web service

This web service is a Java web application, which reads one or a small number of MARC records, analyses them, and displays issues it found. This application is just a lightweight wrapper around the QA catalogue.


At https://YOURSERVER/ws there is a web form.

The REST API endpoint is available at https://YOURSERVER/ws/validate

You can use the following parameters (see more details here):

  • marcVersion (optional, String, default: "MARC21") MARC version. Other options: DNB, OCLC, GENT, SZTE, FENNICA, NKCR, BL, MARC21NO, UVA, B3KAT
  • marcFormat (optional, String, default value: "XML") The input file format. Other options: ISO, XML ALEPHSEQ, LINE_SEPARATED, MARC_LINE
  • details (optional, boolean)
  • trimId (optional, boolean)
  • summary (optional, boolean)
  • outputFormat (optional, String, defaultValue = "csv") The output format. Other options: tsv, tab-separated, csv, comma-separated, text, txt, json
  • defaultRecordType (optional, String, defaultValue = "BOOKS") The record type to use if the record's own value is invalid. Other options: CONTINUING_RESOURCES, MUSIC, MAPS, VISUAL_MATERIALS, COMPUTER_FILES, MIXED_MATERIALS
  • content (optional, String) The MARC record(s) as a string
  • file (optional, file) The MARC record(s) in a file

Validate a binary marc file in pure MARC21 schema:

curl -X POST \
     -F 'marcVersion=MARC21' \
     -F 'marcFormat=ISO' \
     -F 'details=false' \
     -F 'trimId=false' \
     -F 'summary=false' \
     -F 'format=csv' \
     -F 'defaultRecordType=BOOKS' \
     -F file=@/path/to/records.mrc \

Validate an alephseq file in with data elements defined in the Fennica catalogue:

curl -X POST \
     -F 'marcVersion=MARC21' \
     -F 'marcFormat=ALEPHSEQ' \
     -F 'details=false' \
     -F 'trimId=false' \
     -F 'summary=false' \
     -F 'format=csv' \
     -F 'defaultRecordType=BOOKS' \
     -F file=@/path/to/records.alephseq \

How to run

This webservice can be launched in two ways. At the end of the process the service will be accessible from port 8080 (so as http://localhost:8080/ws and http://YOURSERVER:8080/ws)

For the time being the service creates some temporary files. Please create a directory, which is writable to the user who runs the process (e.g. if you run the application in Tomcat, it is Tomcat user).

sudo mkdir /tmp/ws
sudo chown Tomcat /tmp/ws
sudo chmod u+w /tmp/ws

(Later the directory will be configurable, but now it is not. Sorry for the inconvenience.)

1. Run in a standalone Spring Boot web server

nohup mvn spring-boot:run &

2. Run in a Java web server, such as Apache Tomcat

In this section I suppose you use Ubuntu, and installed tomcat with the the package manager (sudo apt install tomcat9). Depending your mode of installation the way to stop/start Tomcat and where is Tomcat's webapps directory might be different.

  1. build the application
mvn clean package
  1. Stop Tomcat
sudo service tomcat9 stop
  1. deploy the application
cp target/ws.war /var/lib/tomcat9/webapps/

Note: Tomcat might be in a different location in your server, the important part is that you should put it into the webapps directory.

  1. Start Tomcat
sudo service tomcat9 start

Make it accessible at port 80

In most of the system port 8080 is not available from outside, so you have to change the webserver to make a proxy, which let users access it via port 80. The following description will use Apache https server on Ubuntu machine.

  1. Install proxy modules
sudo a2enmod proxy
sudo a2enmod proxy_http
  1. edit main Apache conf
sudo nano /etc/apache2/apache2.conf

add the following line

LoadModule proxy_module modules/
  1. edit the site configuration files
sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/default-ssl.conf
sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf

add the following lies:

ProxyRequests off
<Proxy *>
  Order deny,allow
  Allow from all

ProxyPass /ws http://localhost:8080/ws connectiontimeout=300 timeout=300
  1. restart the webserver
sudo service apache2 restart