Simple TicTacToe game, created while learning Rust
By Paulius
- Make sure the latest version of Rust environment is installed on your system
- Clone the repo
git clone
cd tictactoe-game
cargo run
- Enjoy! :-)
- Replace game board representation from number input (1-9) to column-letter input (collumns A to C, numbers 1 to 3 as rows for each column) to make game board more realistic;
- Add more interaction with sounds;
- Add some automated tests not only to test game functions, but also in order to learn how they are handled by Rust itself;
- Create a multiplayer, web-based realtime game (lack of knowledge in Russt prevents from doing itt right now).
Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions are always welcome!