This repository contains the evaluation scripts for the dataset introduced in:
The 3D-Pitoti Dataset: A Dataset for high-resolution 3D Surface Segmentation
Georg Poier, Markus Seidl, Matthias Zeppelzauer, Christian Reinbacher, Martin Schaich, Giovanna Bellandi, Alberto Marretta and Horst Bischof.
In Proc. CBMI, 2017.
(Project Page).
We have also put together a more detailed Technical Report.
To use the code adapt the corresponding paths in main_EvaluateResultFiles.m
A link to the dataset can be found on the
Project Page.
If you can make use of it, please cite:
author = {Georg Poier, Markus Seidl, Matthias Zeppelzauer, Christian Reinbacher,
Martin Schaich, Giovanna Bellandi, Alberto Marretta and Horst Bischof},
title = {{The 3D-Pitoti Dataset: A Dataset for high-resolution 3D Surface Segmentation}},
booktitle = {{Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI)}},
year = {2017}