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A tool to execute native Pocket transactions and call Pocket RPCs.

Too Long; Just Watch (tl;jw)

If you spin up a LocalNet, you can either use burst mode or send a single transaction as seen below.

Quick Start


make build



$ docker-compose up


$ docker-compose build && docker-compose up

Usage Options

Modes of Operation

  • timerMode: Execute a random transaction or request every N seconds.
  • randomMode: Execute a random transaction or request on every key press.
  • selectMode: Print a list of all the transactions or requests available and trigger one with a key press.
  • manualMode: Pre-configure a specific transaction or request that can be triggered with a key press.
  • burstMode: Pre-configure a specific transaction or request that will send N requests separated by M seconds on every key press.


  • App Transactions
    • appStake: Stake an application for a random set of chains with a random amount for one of the pre-configured keys which was randomly selected.
    • appUnstake: Unstake an application for one of the pre-configured keys which was randomly selected.
  • Node Transactions
    • nodeSend: Send a random amount from one randomly selected address to another.
    • nodeStake: Stake a validator for a random set of chains with a random amount for one of the pre-configured keys which was randomly selected.
    • nodeUnstake: Unstake a validator node for one of the pre-configured keys which was randomly selected.
    • nodeUnjail: Send a node unjail transaction for a randomly selected address.

Supported RPCs

  • QueryHeight: Query the height of the Pocket blockchain.
  • relayEthHeight: Query the height of the Ethereum blockchain by calling eth_blockNumber.
  • relayPolyHeight: Query the height of the Polygon blockchain by calling eth_blockNumber.


See the config for an example configuration that works with the pokt-net-dev-tmstack in pocket-e2e-stack.

[TODO] Client Generation

Future Work (TODO)

[ ] Migrate tx.go to use the RPC Client from req.go. [ ] Rename repo to something else since it makes both RPC requests and transactions. [ ] Pair the configurations for pocket_endpoint and servicer_private_key so we can distribute relay load. [ ] Add support for other Ethereum JSON-RPC requests APIs. [ ] Consider consolidating node_private_keys and app_private_keys in config.json and keeping context on which Nodes have made an app stake. [ ] Add support for other Harmony JSON-RPC APIs. [ ] Consider adding request analytics similar to PRLTS. [ ] Consider using an alternative Go client generation or use the Go SDK to be build by PNF in 2022. [ ] Expand relay chains and functions for each chain. [ ] Consider having a simple react app as a UI to trigger these transactions or requests. [ ] Make it easier to send requests to non localnet environments


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