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Temporarily Replace Player or Enemy Party Pokemon

Petuuuhhh edited this page Sep 27, 2023 · 2 revisions


This branch allows you to temporarily replace player/enemy party Pokemon with a "createpartymon" scripting command. For the player, all you have to do is save your party with special SavePlayerParty, use the command, then do special LoadPlayerParty after a trainer battle. For the enemy, you need to set FLAG_ENEMY_PARTY, which replaces the enemy's usual party with the party you specify, and then run the command before a trainer battle. Make sure to clear the flag afterward, if you want to go back to normal trainers.


Just do git remote add petuh followed by git pull petuh createpartymon.

Warnings and Possible Issues

Be aware that ZeroEnemyPartyMons() does not get run if you set the flag and then start a trainer battle, so if you load in a party with 6 Pokemon, and then next, load in a party with 5, there might be a leftover sixth Pokemon from before (haven't tested, yet). It might even carry over a previous normal trainer's Pokemon if you load in a number that's lower than the party amount a trainer used before.


I use this scripting command to implement Smogon [Gen 3] OU team replacement in this YouTube video. It was made possible through SBird's Dynamic Multichoice.


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