This plugin is deprecated and is not under active development. Team RabbitMQ recommends against its use.
None are provided by the RabbitMQ team (see above).
Available from the Community Plugins archive, as well as its dependencies, rabbitmq_jsonrpc and erlang-rfc4627.
You can also compile and install it like any other plugin (see
To install and activate the RabbitMQ JSON-RPC channel plugin, copy all the .ez packages except rabbit_common from the plugin's 'dist' directory into the RabbitMQ server's plugin directory, use the command at the top to enable rabbitmq_jsonrpc_channel, and restart rabbit.
Once the server starts successfully, you should be able to point your web browser at http://localhost:15670/rpc/rabbitmq
and get an error along the lines of
{"version":"1.1","id":null,"error":{"name":"JSONRPCError","code":404,"message":"Procedure not found","error":["http://localhost:15670/rpc/rabbitmq",""]}}
which confirms that the RabbitMQ JSON-RPC channel is ready to accept requests.
The plugin ships with some examples. To try these, ensure no existing RabbitMQ broker is running and then type 'make run' in the rabbitmq-jsonrpc-channel directory. This will start a RabbitMQ broker with the examples configured. You should be able to point your web browser at http://localhost:15670/ and get a webpage. Clicking on "Simple JSONRPC test" will run a small test application. Successful output of http://localhost:15670/test/index.html at the time of writing is:
{"delivery":{"content":"hello, world","delivery_tag":1,"redelivered":false,"exchange":"","routing_key":"test-queue-1a","props":{"content_type":null,"content_encoding":null,"headers":null,"delivery_mode":null,"priority":null,"correlation_id":null,"reply_to":null,"expiration":null,"message_id":null,"timestamp":null,"type":null,"user_id":null,"app_id":null,"cluster_id":null}}}
{"delivery2":{"content":"hello, world, again! pub 2","delivery_tag":2,"redelivered":false,"exchange":"","routing_key":"test-queue-1b","props":{"content_type":null,"content_encoding":null,"headers":null,"delivery_mode":null,"priority":null,"correlation_id":null,"reply_to":"something22","expiration":null,"message_id":null,"timestamp":null,"type":null,"user_id":null,"app_id":null,"cluster_id":null}}}
test basic.cancel compliance
queue declare OK
{"never existed":"this-never-existed"}
The source to the test program is in
- priv/www-examples/test/test.js and
- priv/www-examples/test/index.html