The project is discontinued in favour for ([Project FiFo].
This project is meant to implement Joyent's cloud API ( on-top of vanilla SmartOS to allow for easier maintenance and handling of the host.
You can use tools like SmartDC CLI (
Note the account part is just grouping machines by the owner_uuid right now.
You can read the how to get started here: . Or just grab do:
npm install smartdc -g
- First clone this repository
- make bootstrap
- edit the makefile, change the DEPLOY_* variables to fit your setup
- make deploy
The default behaviour for the server is to listen to, you can change this with ./vmwebadm port and host
- By default there is admin user called admin with the password admin
- Add users as you want with: ./vmwebadm passwd
- run ./vmwebadmd install
you can disable the service with ./vmwebadmd disable and enable it with ./vmwebadmd enable
The service is persistent and will survive reboots!
You can now set up your sdc toos with:
sdc-setup http://<SmartOS IP>
Username (login): (<your user>)
Password: <your pass>
Configuration tool
import package <package-file(s)> - imports one or more package files.
default-dataset <dataset> - sets the default dataset.
passwd <user> <pass> - adds a new user or resets a password for an existing one.
list users - lists all known users
promote <user> - grants a user admin rights.
demote <user> - demotes a user from admin rights.
delete <user> - deletes a user.
port <port> - sets the listen port for the server.
host <host> - sets the listen host for the server.
sdc-getmachine 54e85ffa-988c-47b3-90f1-9ee5c23a8849
sdc-startmachine 40e06b7a-314a-4028-a328-84619c47fc68
sdc-stopmachine 40e06b7a-314a-4028-a328-84619c47fc68
sdc-rebootmachine 40e06b7a-314a-4028-a328-84619c47fc68
sdc-deletemachine 5a749276-9b9f-44b3-83c4-5965a7525646
sdc-createmachine \
--dataset 31bc4dbe-5e06-11e1-907c-5bed6b255fd1 \
--package '{"brand": "joyent","zfs_io_priority": 30,"quota": 20,"nowait": true,"max_physical_memory": 256,"alias": "zone4","nics": [{"nic_tag": "external","ip": "dhcp"}]}'
sdc-createmachine \
--dataset 31bc4dbe-5e06-11e1-907c-5bed6b255fd1 \
--package small
sdc-resizemachine --package '{"max_physical_memory":128}' 54e85ffa-988c-47b3-90f1-9ee5c23a8849
[X] ListKeys
[X] GetKey
[X] CreateKey
[X] DeleteKey
This won't be implemented at the current state since it does not make sense.
[-] ListDatacenters
[-] GetDatacenter
[X] ListDatasets
[X] GetDataset
[X] ListPackages
[X] GetPackage
[X] ListMachines
[X] GetMachine
[X] CreateMachine
[X] StopMachine
[X] StartMachine
[X] RebootMachine
[X] ResizeMachine
[ ] CreateMachineSnapshot
[ ] StartMachineFromSnapshot
[ ] ListMachineSnapshots
[ ] GetMachineSnapshot
[ ] DeleteMachineSnapshot
[X] UpdateMachineMetadata
[X] GetMachineMetadata
[X] DeleteMachineMetadata
[X] DeleteAllMachineMetadata
[X] AddMachineTags
[X] ListMachineTags
[X] GetMachineTag
[X] DeleteMachineTag
[X] DeleteMachineTags
[X] DeleteMachine
This part does not really do anything yet, just the management functions to edit instrumentations are present.
[X] DescribeAnalytics
[X] ListInstrumentations
[X] GetInstrumentation
[X] GetInstrumentationValue
[ ] GetInstrumentationHeatmap
[ ] GetInstrumentationHeatmapDetails
[X] CreateInstrumentation
[X] DeleteInstrumentation
In addition to the normal decomposition vmwebadm supports a json base format to describe decompositions, the idea is to allow complex calls take the following example:
sdc-createinstrumentation -m fs -s logical_ops -n '[{"latency": {"count": [{"*": [{"/": ["latency", 1000]}, 1000]},{"+": [{"*": [{"/": ["latency", 1000]}, 1000]}, 999]}]}}]' -p '{"eq": ["optype","write"]}'
this compiles to
self->start[probefunc] = timestamp;
@latency[(((timestamp - self->start[probefunc])/1000)*1000),((((timestamp - self->start[probefunc])/1000)*1000)+999)]=count();
The syntax is comparable to the one used for predicates:
aggr={<name>: <aggrdef>}
function={<fn-name>: [<params>+]}
aggrdef={<aggrfn>: [<field>+, <args>+]}