This version of cb2xml contains fix for 88 levels on comp/comp-3 variables + new python example program.
- Uses of cb2xml
- cb2xml Xml File description and schemas
- How to use cb2xml
- Useful software for Cobol Data
- New Jaxb Jar
- Change Summary
In version 0.95.7,the format of the value tag has changed. Basically
**Cobol Value clause** | **Xml value tag** |
value 121 | value="121" |
value zero | value="zero" |
value 'some text' | value="'some text'" |
value "some other text" | value=""some other text"" |
There are three main uses of the cb2xml -
- Converting a Cobol Copybook to an equivalent Xml-Copybook. There are many ways of processing this Xml:
A sample of how to process this Xml file using jaxb can be found in
The JRecord project processes a cb2xml Xml document using a java program. JRecord
While the cobol2j project uses an XSL transform to convert the cb2xml-file-description to its own Xml file-description-format.
CopybookUtils is a Ruby Gem for Ruby gem for reading Cobol Text files using cb2xml-Xml copybooks
cbgen Written Scala, it uses it's own Copybook processor to extract Cobol details
- Cobol-data-file to Xml file (Dat2Xml program). There is an enhance version in JRecords Data2Xml
- Xml File to Cobol-data-file (Xml2Dat program). There is an enhance version in JRecords Xml2Data
Note: The Dat2Xml and Xml2Dat have the following limitations:
- only handle text files.
- Xml2Dat does not handle arrays !!!.
- The size of the files they can handle is fairly limited because both the Cobol-Data file and Xml File (DOM format) are stored in memory during the conversion process
All these issues are resolved in JRecords Data2Xml / Xml2Data.
cb2xml.xsd and cb2xml.dtd xml schemas can be found in the xmlSchema directory.
Following is sample Cobol copybook :
1 03 f1 **pic** x(3). 2 03 f2-comp **pic** s9(4) **comp**. 3 03 f3-comp-3 **pic** s9(6)V99 **comp-3**.
once the Cobol Copybook is processed by cb2xml:
3 <itemdisplay-length="3"level="03"name="f1"picture="x(3)"position="1"storage-length="3"/> 4 <itemdisplay-length="4"level="03"name="f2-comp"numeric="true"picture="s9(4)"position="4"signed="true"storage-length="2"usage="computational"/> 5 <itemdisplay-length="8"level="03"name="f3-comp-3"numeric="true"picture="s9(6)V99"position="6"scale="2"signed="true"storage-length="5"usage="computational-3"/>
A more compilcated example:
1 01 Vendor. 2 03 Brand **Pic** x(3). 3 03 Location-details. 4 05 Location-Number **Pic** 9(4). 5 05 Location-Type **Pic** XX. 6 05 Location-Name **Pic** X(35). 7 03 Address-Details. 8 05 actual-address. 9 10 Address-1 **Pic** X(40). 10 10 Address-2 **Pic** X(40). 11 10 Address-3 **Pic** X(35). 12 05 Postcode **Pic** 9(4). 13 05 Empty **pic** x(6). 14 05 State **Pic** XXX. 15 03 Location-Active **Pic** X.
This is converted into the following Xml by cb2xml, please note Nested Groups in the Cobol get converted to Nested Items in the Xml:
1 <copybookfilename="cbl2xml_Test110.cbl"> 2 <itemdisplay-length="173"level="01"name="Ams-Vendor"position="1"storage-length="173"> 3 <itemdisplay-length="3"level="03"name="Brand"picture="x(3)"position="1"storage-length="3"/> 4 <itemdisplay-length="41"level="03"name="Location-details"position="4"storage-length="41"> 5 <itemdisplay-length="4"level="05"name="Location-Number"picture="9(4)"position="4"storage-length="4"numeric="true"/> 6 <itemdisplay-length="2"level="05"name="Location-Type"picture="XX"position="8"storage-length="2"/> 7 <itemdisplay-length="35"level="05"name="Location-Name"picture="X(35)"position="10"storage-length="35"/> 8 </item> 9 <itemdisplay-length="128"level="03"name="Address-Details"position="45"storage-length="128"> 10 <itemdisplay-length="115"level="05"name="actual-address"position="45"storage-length="115"> 11 <itemdisplay-length="40"level="10"name="Address-1"picture="X(40)"position="45"storage-length="40"/> 12 <itemdisplay-length="40"level="10"name="Address-2"picture="X(40)"position="85"storage-length="40"/> 13 <itemdisplay-length="35"level="10"name="Address-3"picture="X(35)"position="125"storage-length="35"/> 14 </item> 15 <itemdisplay-length="4"level="05"name="Postcode"numeric="true"picture="9(4)"position="160"storage-length="4"/> 16 <itemdisplay-length="6"level="05"name="Empty"picture="x(6)"position="164"storage-length="6"/> 17 <itemdisplay-length="3"level="05"name="State"picture="XXX"position="170"storage-length="3"/> 18 </item> 19 <itemdisplay-length="1"level="03"name="Location-Active"picture="X"position="173"storage-length="1"/> 20 </item> 21 </copybook>
The attributes name, numeric, picture and signed are all fairly obvious. The other attributes include:
position - position in the record (1 is the first byte).
storage-length - length in bytes of the field.
scale - scaling factor, used when there is an assumed decimal point (Cobol V picture) or assumed zero (Cobol P picture).
- scale=-1 - multiply by 10 (e.g. Picture of S9(4)P)
- scale=1 - divide by 10 (e.g. Picture of S9(4)V9)
- scale=2 - divide by 100 (e.g. Picture of S9(4)V99)
Background information: - Cobol uses an "assumed decimal" in representing numbers for expample a dollar amount could be represented in Cobol as Pic s9(7)V99 comp this is implemented as a binary integer but where binary 1 actually represent 0.01, i.e. integer values need to be scaled
usage, Cobol usage attribute; typically computational is Big-Endian-Binary, computational-3 is packed decimal, computational-5 is Machines-Binary-Integer (Little endian on Intel Hardware, big-endian on the Mainframe and Large-servers).
editted-numeric - Wether this field is an editted-numeric or not. In Cobol s9(4)V99 is a true numeric and can be used in numeric calculations while -(3)9.99 is called a editted-numeric but strictly speaking it is a charactger field and can not be used in calculations, only for formatting. In cb2xml both s9(4)V99 and -(3)9.99 are flagged as numeric but only -(3)9.99 is flagged as editted-numeric.
inherited-usage - Normally in cobol the usage is specified on each field:
The examples directory holds sample rexx, bat and shell scripts that call cb2xml.jar to:
- Convert Cobol Copybooks to Xml-File-Descriptions (cobol2xmlFileDescription.*)
- Convert Cobol Data files to Xml-Files (data2xml.*)
- Convert Xml-Files to Cobol Data files (xml2data.*)
Basically to convert a Cobol Copybook to Xml (bat / shell script):
7 java -jar ../../lib/cb2xml.jar -cobol cbl2xml_Test102.cbl -indentXml -xml cbl2xml_Test102_new3.cbl.xml 8 java -jar ../../lib/cb2xml.jar -cobol cpyUtf8.cbl -indentXml -font utf-8 -xml cpyUtf8_new4.cbl.xml
The parameters to cb2xml are:
- -cobol - input Cobol copybook
- -xml - output Xml translation.
- -font - Copybook font.
- -indentXml - wether to indent (pretty print) the Xml.
- -debug - wether
To load a Cobol Copybook in Java / JVM languages:
43 Copybook copybook **=** CobolParser.newParser**(****)** 44 .parseCobol**(**copybookName**)**;
To create an Xml-Documnet in java:
1 //Ifyouwantprocessacobolcopybookwithcolumnspecifiedinthecb2xml.propertiesfile 2 Document doc **=** Cb2Xml.convertToXMLDOM**(**cobolCopybookFile**)**; 3 //or 4 Document doc **=** Cb2Xml2.convertToXMLDOM**(**cobolCopybookFile, false, Cb2xmlConstants.USE_PROPERTIES_FILE**)**;
By default Cobol uses columns 6 --> 71 but some Cobol-Compilers allow other columns to be used. To cover for this cb2xml programs has a
Copybook Format | Description |
**Cb2xmlConstants.USE_PROPERTIES_FILE** | Get the line lengths from the file |
**Cb2xmlConstants.USE_STANDARD_COLUMNS** | Standard Cobol Columns (6->71) |
**Cb2xmlConstants.USE_COLS_6_TO_80** | Columns 6->80 |
**Cb2xmlConstants.USE_LONG_LINE** | Use columns 6 to whatever Columns (essentially 6->Max-Int) |
**Cb2xmlConstants.FREE_FORMAT** | Free Formet (any column essentially 1->Max-Int) |
Groovy Code to load and print Cobol copybook:
9 //ParsingaCobolcopybook 10 **def** cpy **=** CobolParser.newParser**(****)**.parseCobol**(**"cbl2xml_Test110.cbl"**)** 11 12 //Nowletsprintit 13 **print****(**"", cpy.getItem**(****)****)** 14 15 //PrintCobolitem(anditschilditems 16 **def** **print****(**String indent, List items**)** { 17 18 **for** **(**Item item : items**)** { 19 String s **=** indent **+** item.getName**(****)** **+** "" 20 s **=** s.substring**(**0, 50**)** 21 **println** s **+** item.getPosition**(****)** **+** "\t" **+** item.getStorageLength**(****)** **+** "\t" **+** item.getDisplayLength**(****)** **+** cn**(**item.getPicture**(****)****)** **+** cn**(**item.getUsage**(****)****)** **+** cn**(**item.isNumeric**(****)****)** **+** cn**(**item.isSigned**(****)****)** 22 23 **print****(**indent **+** "", item.getItem**(****)****)** 24 } 25 } 26
Python Code to load and print cb2xml - Xml
29 **def** printItem**(**indent, item**)****:** 30 n **=** indent **+** item.attrib['level'] **+** "" **+** item.attrib['name'] **+** "" 31 n **=** n[**:**50] 32 33 **print** n, '\t', item.attrib['position'], '\t', item.attrib['storage-length'], '\t', getAttr**(**item, 'display-length'**)**, getAttr**(**item, 'picture'**)**, getAttrId**(**item, 'usage'**)**, getAttrId**(**item, 'numeric'**)**, getAttrId**(**item, 'signed'**)** 34 **for** child **in** item.findall**(**'item'**)****:** 35 printItem**(**indent **+** "", child**)** 36 37 ######################################################################### 38 39 tree **=** ET.parse**(**'cbl2xml_Test110.cbl.xml'**)** 40 root **=** tree.getroot**(****)** 41 42 **print** ">>", root.tag, root.attrib['filename'] 43 44 **for** child **in** root.findall**(**'item'**)****:** 45 printItem**(**"", child**)** 46
Ruby Code to load and print cb2xml - Xml
10 **def** printXml indent, tree 11 12 tree.each **do** **|**node**|** 13 **puts** "**#{**indent**}****#{**node**[**"level"**]****}****#{**node**[**"name"**]****}**\t**#{**node**[**"position"**]****}**\t**#{**node**[**"storage-length"**]****}**\t**#{**node**[**"picture"**]****}**\t**#{**node**[**"usage"**]****}**" 14 printXml "**#{**indent**}**", node.children 15 **end** 16 **end** 17 18 doc **=** Nokogiri.XML**(****(**"cb2xml_Output110.xml"**)****)** 19 20 printXml "", doc.root.children
To convert a Cobol-Data-file to a DOM Document:
1 String sourceFileContents**=** FileUtils.readFile**(**dataFileName**)**.toString**(****)**; 2 Document copyBookXml **=** XmlUtils.fileToDom**(**copybookFileName**)**; 3 4 Document xmlDoc **new** MainframeToXml**(****)**.convert**(**sourceFileContents, copyBookXml**)**;
To convert Xml file to Cobol-Data file:
1 Document sourceFileXml **=** XmlUtils.fileToDom**(**dataFileName**)**; 2 Document copyBookXml **=** XmlUtils.fileToDom**(**copybookFileName**)**; 3 4 String fileData **=** **new** XmlToMainframe**(****)**.convert**(**sourceFileXml, copyBookXml**)**;
Examples of processing the cb2xml generated DOM / Xml:
Example | Description |
[Examples](examples/) | There are very basic [python](examples/PythonExample/), [ruby](examples/RubyExample/), [groovy](examples/GroovyExample/), [jython](examples/JythonExample/) and [jruby](examples/JRubyExample/) programs to print a _cb2xml Xml_ file |
[](source/cb2xml_examples/src/net/sf/cb2xml/example/ | A basic program that loads _cb2xml Xml_ via JAXB and then prints the copybook |
[](source/cb2xml_examples/src/net/sf/cb2xml/example/ | A basic program that converts a _Cobol Copybook_ to a DOM document, loads this via JAXB then prints the copybook |
[](source/cb2xml_examples/src/net/sf/cb2xml/example/ | A basic program to display a Cobol copybook in a TreeTable. |
[source/cb2xml_tests/src/tests](source/cb2xml_tests/src/tests) | Holds examples of calling cb2xml from java. In particular _TstCb2xml02_ has examples of calling Cb2Xml to get get a _DOM Document_ and TstCblDataToXml01 call Dat2Xml and Xml2Dat. |
[](source/cb2xml/src/net/sf/cb2xml/convert/ | Uses a **cb2xml-Xml** file to convert a _Cobol-Text_ file to Xml |
[](source/cb2xml/src/net/sf/cb2xml/convert/ | Uses a **cb2xml-Xml** file to convert a _Xml_ file to a _Cobol-Text_ file. |
[JRecord - XmlCopybookLoader]( | JRecords code to process a _cb2xml Xml_ Document. |
[XSL transform]( | Xsl Transform used in the cobol2j package to convert **cb2xml-Xml** ot its own Xml format. This method does not work for all possible Cobol Copybooks. |
[Pretty Print](source/cb2xml_examples/src/net/sf/cb2xml/example/ | uses a StAX parser to process the Xml. |
If you need to work with Cobol files, you may find some of this software useful:
- The RecordEditor lets you view/edit Cobol-data files with a cobol copybook (you have to import the cobol copybook into the RecordEditor).
- If you need to process binary Cobol files in Java consider JRecord, cobol2j or one of several other packages.
- For Cobol Data to/from Csv, have a look at JRecords JRecords Data2Xml / Xml2Data. Cobol2Csv and Csv2Cobol programs.
- For Cobol to/from Xml look at JRecords
- Another processing option is the legstar packages.
A new Jar cb2xml_Jaxb.jar has been crated. This jar holds Java Copybook and Item classes + code to create them from either a Cobol Copybook or a cb2xml-Xml file.
Longer term if there is enough interest in the jars contents, it will be included in the standard cb2xml.jar. The trouble with including it now is I will be stuck with it even hardly any one uses it.
- I am hoping to bring support for other Cobol Dialects (e.g. Gnu-Cobol) to cb2xml.
- I will also add a tag for the actual field type (e.g packed-decimal Mainframe-Zoned-Decimal, Fujitsu-zoned decimal, Packed-decimal etc).
- Option to return a copyook and Item class so you users of Cb2Xml do not need to pass the Document.
Updated the value tag. Text values are now in quotes to distinguish them from numeric and cobol constants (like zero, spaces etc).
**Cobol Value clause** **Xml value tag** value 121 value="121" value zero value="zero" value 'some text' value="'some text'" value "some other text" value=""some other text"" -
Adding a justified tag (for when justified or justified right is used in the Cobol Copybook).
Cobol move copybook
- Fix for 88 levels on comp/comp-3 values.
- Added example program. It will create a Text version of a copybook + Cobol move copybook to move values from the Text-Copybook
- Fix for position after redefines.
- Added ObscureCobol example program. It will "Obfuscate" a Cobol copybook.
- Added support for the use of Reader (instead of stream) in the library
- Added -font and -indentXml options
- Fix for usage specified at the Group Level
- Fix for dropping quotes in value tag
- Added support continuation of value across multiple lines
- New JAXB jar for accessing cb2xml - Xml.
- Added examples in Ruby, JRuby, Jython and Groovey. Updated python example.
- Added 2 new Xml tags: editted-numeric and inherited-usage.
- Updated documentation.
- Fix for USE_SUPPLIED_COLUMNS option.
- Created a new class Cb2Xml2 which is like the Cb2Xml class except it does not trap errors !!
- Minor improvements in the error messages from the Cobol Parser.
- Created DTD and Xsd schemas for the Xml created by cb2xml.
- Created Java Jaxb example programs for processing cb2xml Xml.
- Created a basic python program to print cb2xml Xml.
- Improved support for P picture character, new assumed digits tag + Scale can be negative (due to P picture option).
- Introduced constant class for the attributes used by Cb2xml. This allows other projects to integrate better with cb2xml
- Most methods accept stream as well File (Feature request 1)
- Support for Hex literals (patch 1)
- Support for sync keyword
- Fixed issue with fields starting with numerics
- Fixed issue with comments at start of copybook in dat2xml and xml2dat
- Fixed issue with “anonymous” REDEFINES (problem 12)
- Fixed issue with sign seperate (problem 6)
- Option to pass columns to CobolPreprocessor. This means when the calling program passes the start/end column the file is not needed anymore.
- Added some basic Automated Tests, this will allow regular releases in the future.
- dat2xml - trim numerics
- dat2xml - Fixed issue with occurs (problem 4 and 10)
- xml2dat - Changed to set field to spaces (when tag is absent in the Xml and no initialise is set). (problem 11).
- xml2dat - fix for when incoming data is not the expected cobol length