Many Allegro API endpoints require bearer-token-for-user. You can use this code to get the token for development purposes. The application is a web server that has three routes:
- / - contains link to Allegro (sandbox)
- /auth - performs user authentication. Expects code (provided by Allegro) as http parameter.
- /refresh - refresh the token (after initial token obtained)
Initilize your python environment, eg:
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
Install requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Set environment variables with your Allegro application's data eg. by .env file:
cp .env-example .env
# Edit the file using your editor (I'm a VIMer)
vim .env
Start flack development server by eg:
flask run --host= --port=8000
Now go to your browser and enter server's url (eg "http://localhost:8000"). Then follow the link on the page. You will be redirected to Allegro for authentication and autherisation of your client app to access your account. After you authorise your app you you will be redirected back to this app. In case of success you will see JSON object with the 'access_token'. You can use this token like this:
curl -sX GET "" -H "authorization: Bearer <the token goes here>" -H 'accept: application/vnd.allegro.public.v1+json'
The respnse data also stored in 'data.json' file (for token refreshing purposes)
If 'data.json' file found in file system you will be offered with the toking refreshing option. Remember, refreshing token valid for 30 days and stored in your filesystem so you do need run this server all the time. Just tart the server and refresh the token.
More details on Allegro developer portal -
Sometimes using of "incognito" mode in browser helps.