Parses your rubiks cube solve history from,, twistytimer
.. and combines/merges solves from those sources into a single format, allowing you to do statistics/giving you uniform averages/a full history
Requires python3.10+
To install with pip, run:
pip install scramble_history
To install JSON/graph support: pip install scramble_history[optional]
If there's some other format you'd like to use, feel free to open an issue (ideally with a data export so I can try to parse it)
To use, export solves to a file, which scramble_history parse cstimer
accepts as input:
$ scramble_history parse cstimer ~/Downloads/cstimer_20221014_231808.txt
Use sess to review session data
In [1]: sess[0].raw_scramble_type
Out[1]: '333'
In [2]: sess[0].solves[-1]
Out[2]: Solve(scramble="D U2 F2 U' F2 R2 D B2 U' L2 F2 U2 B R U F' L U2 L2 F U'", comment='', solve_time=Decimal('25.248'), penalty=Decimal('0'), dnf=False, when=datetime.datetime(2022, 10, 15, 6, 8, 8, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc))
Or to dump to JSON:
$ scramble_history parse cstimer -j ~/data/cubing/cstimer/1665942943939.json | jq '.[].solves | .[0]'
"scramble": "F U' F2 U R2 D L2 F2 U B2 D' L2 D2 R F' U R2 D L2 F' L",
"comment": "",
"solve_time": "25.969",
"penalty": "0",
"dnf": false,
"when": "2022-10-11T03:24:27+00:00"
To backup my data automatically, I use cstimer-save-server
Parses the export for the TwistyTimer android app, which also exports to:
$ scramble_history parse twistytimer --json Backup_2022-10-17_20-19.txt | jq '.[0]'
"puzzle": "333",
"category": "Normal",
"scramble": "F L2 B' F' D2 R2 D2 F2 L2 U2 F2 R' F' U2 L2 B D L' B U B2",
"time": "19.86",
"penalty": "0",
"dnf": false,
"when": "2022-10-18T02:00:42.099000+00:00",
"comment": ""
Note: for
, the 'when' (datetime when you did the solve) is the same for every solve in a competition (in other words, when the competition began)
Usage: scramble_history merge [OPTIONS] [DATAFILES]
merge solves from different data sources together
To provide input, either define a config file, or pass paths like:
--cstimer ~/Downloads/cstimer.json
--twistytimer ~/Downloads/*twistytimer*.txt
-s, --sourcemap-file FILE Data file which saves choices on how to map solves from different sources
[default: /home/username/.config/scramble_history/sourcemap.json]
-a, --action [json|repl|stats] what to do with merged solves [default: repl]
-C, --check Dont print/interact, just check that all solves are transformed properly
-g, --group-by [puzzle|event_code|event_description]
Group parsed results by key
-G, --graph graph grouped results
-O, --graph-opt [show|save|date-axis|kitty-print|annotate|annotate-average]
graph options
-q, --query TEXT Solves to filter to, or actions to run
-s, --sort-by [when] Sort the resulting solves
-r, --reverse / --no-reverse Reverse the sort for --sort-by. Default is --no-reverse, stats uses
--help Show this message and exit.
The merge command lets you combine solves from different sources into a normalized schema. It does this by prompting you to define attributes from each solve to look for, and then converts any solve it finds with those values to the same description. For example:
"source_class_name": "scramble_history.cstimer.Solve",
"source_fields_match": {
"name": "3x3",
"raw_scramble_type": "333"
"transformed_puzzle": "333",
"transformed_event_code": "WCA",
"transformed_event_description": "3x3 CFOP"
Whenever it finds the same class
, name
and raw_scramble_type
(fields from cstimer.Solve
), it tags them with the puzzle
, event_code
and event_description
. Those are entered by you (once per new type of solve), and then saved to ~/.config/scramble_history/sourcemap.json
. As an example of the generated file, you can see mine here
The merge command accepts options which describe the filetype, and then multiple files, removing any duplicate solves it finds. E.g.:
scramble_history merge --action json \
--cstimer ~/data/cubing/cstimer/*.json \
--twistytimer ~/data/cubing/phone_twistytimer/* ~/data/cubing/cubers_io/* ~/data/cubing/manual.csv
You can also create a config file at ~/.config/scramble_history/files.yaml
(config directory location can be changed with the SCRAMBLE_HISTORY_CONFIG_DIR
environment variable) which contains similar info, so you don't have to type it out every time:
- ~/data/cubing/cstimer/*.json
- ~/data/cubing/manual.csv
- ~/data/cubing/phone_twistytimer/*.txt
- ~/data/cubing/cubers_io/*.txt
$ scramble_history merge -g event_description -a json
| jq 'to_entries[] | "\(.value | length) \(.key)"' -r | sort -nr
834 3x3 CFOP
295 2x2
112 3x3 CFOP OH
99 3x3 2-GEN <RU>
95 3x3 LSE
65 4x4
37 3x3 Roux
35 Skewb
25 Pyraminx
20 3x3 F2L
5 3x3 Roux OH
It can also calculate running averages across your merged data:
[ ~/Repos/scramble-history | master ] $ python3 -m scramble_history merge -a stats
Passed 'stats' with no '--group_by', grouping by 'event_description'
3x3 CFOP
Best => 11.880
Worst => 48.049
Most recent Ao5 => 17.436 = 16.551 17.682 (24.941) (16.531) 18.076
Global Mean (841/847) => 19.681
Solve Count => 847
3x3 CFOP Current Best
---------- --------- ------
Ao5 17.436 14.647
Ao12 18.605 16.898
Ao50 18.725 18.092
Ao100 DNF 18.444
Best => 3.121
Worst => 50.170
Most recent Ao5 => 6.403 = (7.240) 6.480 6.250 (6.150) 6.480
Global Mean (317/318) => 8.820
Solve Count => 318
2x2 Current Best
----- --------- ------
Ao5 6.403 5.58
Ao12 7.494 6.252
Ao50 7.574 7.214
Ao100 7.553 7.427
Best => 1:15.592
Worst => 5:39.830
Most recent Ao5 => 1:33.173 = (1:27.770) (1:41.280) 1:38.735 1:28.795 1:31.988
Global Mean (129/129) => 2:25.470
Solve Count => 129
4x4 Current Best
----- --------- --------
Ao5 1:33.173 1:33.173
Ao12 1:36.256 1:36.256
Ao50 1:51.013 1:51.013
Ao100 2:09.471 2:09.471
Best => 19.890
Worst => 1:32.280
Most recent Ao5 => 30.640 = 29.760 (26.800) 31.410 (32.450) 30.750
Global Mean (117/117) => 36.919
Solve Count => 117
3x3 CFOP OH Current Best
------------- --------- ------
Ao5 30.64 26.61
Ao12 29.123 29.123
Ao50 32.776 32.285
Ao100 32.923 32.923
Or provide other commands to run instead of --action stats
scramble_history merge -q 'event_description==3x3 CFOP' -q Mo3 -q Ao5 -q Ao12
Mo3: 21.413 = 25.969 22.220 16.050
Ao5: 22.037 = (25.969) 22.220 (16.050) 22.697 21.193
Ao12: 19.297 = (25.969) 22.220 (16.050) 22.697 21.193 16.210 16.338 17.824 19.697 21.107 16.538 19.144
Note: this requires seaborn
, install with pip install 'scramble-history[optional]'
For each group selected by --group-by
, this creates a graph. By default, this pauses at each group and shows the graph so you can move around/zoom in
To save to a png, use --graph-opt save
. If you use kitty, can also print these directly in the terminal:
Can also be used in combination with --query drop:
and --query limit:
to only graph a portion of your history. For example to graph a rolling ao12
from some time ago:
scramble_history merge -q 'event_description==3x3 CFOP' -q drop:750 -q limit:12 --no-reverse -g event_description -G --graph-opt kitty-print
Can provide the annotate
options if you want to add some of the text onto the graph:
scramble_history merge -q 'event_description==4x4' -q 'last:5' -G --graph-opt annotate --graph-opt annotate-average
- lets you filter based on any of the string values, e.g.:
'event_description==3x3 CFOP'
What the description/puzzle names are depend on what you set them as while merging
If you want to match one of many items, e.g. filter just down to 3x3
and 2x2
solves, use ?=
scramble_history merge -q 'event_description?=["3x3 CFOP", "2x2"]' -a stats
Note: The right side of ?=
To quickly review my own stats, I have a shell function like:
cube-stats() {
scramble_history merge -q 'event_description?=["3x3 CFOP", "3x3 CFOP OH", "2x2", "4x4"]' -a stats -g event_description "$@"
or limit:n
where n
is a number. This can be used in between commands to update the current solve list.
Drop removes n
items at the beginning of the list, limit keeps the first n
items. For example:
scramble_history merge -q 'puzzle==222' -q Ao5 -q 'drop:3' -q Mo2
Ao5: 6.437 = 5.680 7.220 (DNF) 6.410 (5.480)
Mo2: 5.945 = 6.410 5.480
$ scramble_history merge -q 'event_description==3x3 CFOP' -q 'limit:5' -q dump
Prints the time/description (if DNF) for each solve:
$ scramble_history merge -q 'puzzle==222' -q 'limit:5' -q dump
Prints the best solve from a list of solves:
$ scramble_history merge -q 'puzzle==222' -q best
These let you take the first or last n
items, like limit
. To get your most recent Ao5
$ scramble_history merge --no-reverse -q 'event_description==4x4' -q 'last:5' -q ao5
Ao5: 1:44.160 = 1:49.547 1:45.144 1:37.790 (1:52.195) (1:32.934)
or Mon
, where 'n' is a number. Examples: Ao5
, Ao500
, Mo10
This is a WIP -- it does allow you to download the export and extract your times, but not relate those directly to the scrambles from each group
Downloads the TSV export from and lets you extract records/scrambles from those rounds from the giant TSV files for your WCA user ID
Also extracts competition/location data for any competitions you've attended
$ scramble_history export wca update
[I 221017 23:02:52 wca_export:80] Downloading TSV export...
[I 221017 23:02:58 wca_export:96] Saved TSV export to /home/username/.cache/wca_export/tsv
$ scramble_history export wca extract -u 2017BREC02
$ scramble_history export wca extract -u 2017BREC02 --json | jq '.results_w_scrambles | .[] | .[0] | "\(.competitionId) \(.eventId) \(.value1) \(.value2) \(.value3) \(.value4) \(.value5)"' -r
BerkeleySummer2017 skewb 2009 2326 0 0 0
BerkeleySummer2017 333fm -1 0 0 0 0
BerkeleySummer2017 333 3983 2737 2531 2379 2562
BerkeleySummer2017 222 750 1017 994 791 946
FrozenFingersGhaziabad2018 333oh 3309 3275 3334 3044 3421
BayAreaSpeedcubin132019 444 -1 13954 0 0 0
BayAreaSpeedcubin132019 222 800 599 611 575 784
BayAreaSpeedcubin132019 skewb 1702 2182 794 1404 1495
BayAreaSpeedcubin132019 333 1757 3154 2065 2063 1998
BayAreaSpeedcubin132019 333oh 3988 3233 3416 4600 3839
BayAreaSpeedcubin212019 333 1674 1603 1322 1732 1854
BayAreaSpeedcubin212019 333 2114 1765 1913 1691 2096
BayAreaSpeedcubin212019 444 11331 10607 0 0 0
BayAreaSpeedcubin212019 pyram 1592 1934 -1 2088 1521
BayAreaSpeedcubin212019 skewb 1272 1999 1924 1222 2143
git clone ''
cd ./scramble-history
pip install '.[testing]'
flake8 ./scramble_history
mypy ./scramble_history