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How to Show Form PDF Fields

Jorj X. McKie edited this page May 3, 2018 · 1 revision

Enhancement in v1.13.2

For PDF documents, check the bool doc.isFormPDF. It is True if an object of type /AcroForm and at least one form field exist. Form fields are a special Annotation object type: "Widget". Scan through the annotations of a Page like this:

for page in doc:
    annot = page.firstAnnot
    while annot:
        if annot.type[0] != fitz.ANNOT_WIDGET: # form field type is (19, 'Widget')
            annot =                 # last annot has no "next"
        print(annot.widget_type, annot.widget_name, annot.widget_text)
        annot =

In this version, only text form field (annot.widget_type == (3, 'Tx')) content is shown. In later versions we will also detect checked buttons, selected dropdown items, etc.

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