This library is an attempt to implement the entire Wink API in Python 3. Documentation for the Wink API can be found here however, from my experience it isn't kept up-to-date.
This library also has support for the unoffical local API and doesn't require a rooted hub.
This library provides support for Wink in Home Assistant!
pip3 install python-wink
- Vist
- Crate an account and request your credentials. (Approval can take several days)
- Enter in a redirect URL to point at your application.
- Plug in your details into the test script below.
Print all light names and state, and toggle their states.
import pywink
print("Please vist the following URL to authenticate.")
print(pywink.get_authorization_url("YOUR_CLIENT_ID", "YOUR_REDIRECT_URL"))
code = input("Enter code from URL:")
auth = pywink.request_token(code, "YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET")
pywink.set_wink_credentials("YOUR_CLIENT_ID", "YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET",
auth.get("access_token"), auth.get("refresh_token"))
lights = pywink.get_light_bulbs()
for light in lights:
print("Name: " +
print("State: " + light.state())
light.set_state(not light.state())