Release Info
This release encompasses a range of updates, incorporating bug fixes, new features, and several UI enhancements.
- Users can categorize their notes into two sections: pending and completed.
- Deletion functionality is now available for notes in the completed section.
- A loading bar has been introduced to indicate the status of ongoing processes.
- Pagination has been implemented, allowing users to access 10 notes at a time and load more as they scroll down.
- Light and dark theme modes are now supported.
- Users can sort their notes based on both creation and update times, with priority given to the update time.
- The search functionality enables users to find notes based on title, description, and tags.
- A slide animation has been added to enhance the opening of the notes editor.
- Highlighted notes are now visually distinguished for improved visibility.
- A logout confirmation prompt has been incorporated.
- An alert message is displayed to handle situations where there is no internet connection.
- The theme mode is now stable, and a page refresh will not alter the current theme status.
- If a user is already logged in, attempting to access the logout or login pages will now automatically redirect them to the home page.