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This is a Clojure wrapper around clj-v8, exposing a compliant* JSR-223 javax.script API to use the V8 ECMAScript engine from the JVM.

The javax.script API defines a generic interface for scripting engines, including ECMAScript engines for the JVM.

clj-v8 provides a Java-based interface to (a specific and probably dated version of) V8, but this is not compliant with javax.scripting. Projects depending on clj-v8 may want the option of loading pluggable script engines using javax.scripting, so clj-jsr223-v8 aims to bridge that gap.

(* Eventually.)


Add [clj-jsr223-v8 "0.1.7"] to :dependencies in project.clj.

Service API (recommended)

The javax.script API allows run-time discovery of registered engine services. clj-jsr223-v8 registers its service under the names "clj-v8", "v8", and "V8" (in that order of preference).

Get a V8ScriptEngine instance from clj-jsr223-v8 using the JSR-223 API:

(def engines (javax.script.ScriptingManager.))

(def v8-engine (.getEngineByName engines "clj-v8")) ;; A V8ScriptEngine instance
                                                    ;; (You might use "nashorn" on JDK8 here
                                                    ;;  for a different engine.)

(.eval v8-engine "123 + 456") ;; => 579

;; Context persists in each engine instance...

(.eval v8-engine "var foo = 1 + 1;") ;; => nil

(.eval v8-engine "foo") ;; => 2

Like in Nashorn, values returned by (.eval ...) are Clojure/Java objects (though not guaranteed to be exactly the same at this time!). These are constructed from a JSON-stringified marshalled representation of the underlying V8 value. This means e.g. Object instances are represented as maps:

(.eval v8-engine "var o = new Object(); = 1; = 2; o;") ;; => {"foo" 1, "bar" 2}

undefined and null ECMAScript values each appear as nil.

Cleaning up

V8ScriptEngine instances implement a cleanup method in addition to ScriptEngine extensions. This can be used to free the resources held by the underlying native V8 engine attached to the instance. Note: cleaning up is final and the instance will be unusable afterwards.

V8ScriptEngine also triggers cleanup automatically on finalize (i.e. just before being garbage-collected), so it is not required to manually clean up resources.

Direct API

To load the V8 engine directly (not recommended):

Import the script engine or the script engine factory classes as needed:

(import '[clj_jsr223_v8 V8ScriptEngineFactory V8ScriptEngine]) ;; Note the underscores!

Once imported, instantiate V8ScriptEngineFactory to get started.

(def my-factory (V8ScriptEngineFactory.))

(def my-engine (.getEngine my-factory)) ;; a V8ScriptEngine instance

(.eval my-engine "123 + 456") ;; => "579"


Copyright © 2015-2016 Abhishek Reddy

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.


A JSR-223 wrapper exposing clj-v8 to Clojure







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