There are 2 ways to install it:
- Download the Phar
- Install as a Composer Package
download the latest version from the Releases section or from the cli:
$ wget && chmod +x skype.phar
$ composer require radutopala/skype-bot-php
use Skype\Client;
$client = new Client([
'clientId' => '<yourClientId>',
'clientSecret' => '<yourClientSecret>',
$api = $client->authorize()->api('conversation'); // Skype\Api\Conversation
$api->activity('29:<skypeHash>', 'Your message');
Here some usage examples.
$ bin/skype auth <yourClientId>
$ bin/skype conversation:activity <to> <message>
Or with the phar file.
php skype.phar auth <yourClientId>
php skype.phar conversation:activity <to> <message>
If used as a library, the HTTP Guzzle Client will automatically try to re-authenticate using a Guzzle middleware, if the
will expire in the following 10 minutes. -
If used as a phar, you can update it to latest version using
skype.phar self-update
If used as a library, you can store the token configs in your own preffered file path, as follows:
$client = new Client([ 'clientId' => '<yourClientId>', 'clientSecret' => '<yourClientSecret>', 'fileTokenStoragePath' => '<yourOwnPath>', ]);
You can also write your own
$client = new Client([ 'clientId' => '<yourClientId>', 'clientSecret' => '<yourClientSecret>', 'tokenStorageClass' => DatabaseTokenStorage::class ]);
And you can also pass your custom
, a service that must implementTokenStorageInterface
; usable in Symfony scenarios$client = new Client([ 'clientId' => '<yourClientId>', 'clientSecret' => '<yourClientSecret>', 'tokenStorageService' => $service ]);