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Quick Start

Yu Xia edited this page Sep 9, 2015 · 12 revisions

Install Dependencies

Install MemDB

  • Install memdb
sudo npm install -g memdb-server

Configure MemDB

Modify settings in ~/.memdb/memdb.conf.js on your need. Please read comments carefully.

Start MemDB

Use memdbcluster to control lifecycle of memdb server cluster

memdbcluster [start | stop | status] [--conf=memdb.conf.js] [--shard=shardId]

Play with memdb shell

Note how ACID transaction works memdbshell.gif

Nodejs Client with AutoConnection

var memdb = require('memdb-client');
// just bluebird promise
var P = memdb.Promise;

var main = P.coroutine(function*(){
    // All database access should via this autoconn object, you can preserve autoconn object in a global module that can be accessed anywhere
    var autoconn = yield memdb.autoConnect({
        shards : { // Specify all shards here
            s1 : {host : '', port : 31017},
            s2 : {host : '', port : 31018},

    var doc = {_id : '1', name : 'rain', level : 1};

    // Get player collection object
    var Player = autoconn.collection('player');

    // Make a transaction in shard s1
    yield autoconn.transaction(P.coroutine(function*(){
        // Upsert a doc (update if exist, insert if not exist)
        yield Player.update(doc._id, doc, {upsert : true});
        // Find the doc
        var ret = yield Player.find(doc._id);
        console.log(ret); // {_id : '1', name : 'rain', level : 1}
    }), 's1'); // Auto commit after transaction

        // Make another transaction in shard s1
        yield autoconn.transaction(P.coroutine(function*(){
            // Update doc with $set modifier
            yield Player.update(doc._id, {$set : {level : 2}});
            // Find the changed doc with specified field
            var ret = yield Player.find(doc._id, 'level');
            console.log(ret); // {level : 2}
            // Exception here!
            throw new Error('Oops!');
        }), 's1');
    catch(err){ // Catch the exception
        // Change is rolled back
        yield autoconn.transaction(P.coroutine(function*(){
            var ret = yield Player.find(doc._id, 'level');
            console.log(ret); // {level : 1}
        }), 's1');

    // Make transcation in another shard
    yield autoconn.transaction(P.coroutine(function*(){
        yield Player.remove(doc._id);
    }), 's2');

    // Close all connections
    yield autoconn.close();

if (require.main === module) {

To run the sample above

  • Make sure you have started shard 's1' on localhost:31017, 's2' on localhost:31018.
  • Install npm dependencies
npm install memdb-client
  • run with node >= 0.12 with --harmony option
node --harmony sample.js


Mdbgoose is a modified Mongoose version that work for memdb

var memdb = require('memdb-client');
var P = memdb.Promise;
var mdbgoose = memdb.goose;

// Define player schema
var playerSchema = new mdbgoose.Schema({
    _id : String,
    name : String,
    areaId : Number,
    deviceType : Number,
    deviceId : String,
    items : [mdbgoose.SchemaTypes.Mixed],
}, {collection : 'player'});
// Define player model
var Player = mdbgoose.model('player', playerSchema);

var main = P.coroutine(function*(){
    // Connect to memdb
    yield mdbgoose.connectAsync({
        shards : { // specify all shards here
            s1 : {host : '', port: 31017},
            s2 : {host : '', port: 31018},

    // Make a transaction in s1
    yield mdbgoose.transactionAsync(P.coroutine(function*(){

        var player = new Player({
            _id : 'p1',
            name: 'rain',
            areaId : 1,
            deviceType : 1,
            deviceId : 'id1',
            items : [],

        // insert a player
        yield player.saveAsync();

        // find player by id
        var doc = yield Player.findByIdAsync('p1');
        console.log('%j', doc);

        // find player by areaId, return array of players
        var docs = yield Player.findAsync({areaId : 1});
        console.log('%j', docs);

        // find player by deviceType and deviceId
        player = yield Player.findOneAsync({deviceType : 1, deviceId : 'id1'});

        // update player
        player.areaId = 2;
        yield player.saveAsync();

        // remove the player
        yield player.removeAsync();

    }), 's1');

if (require.main === module) {

To run the sample above:

  • Add the following index config in memdb.conf.js
collections : {
    player : {
        indexes : [
                keys : ['areaId'],
                keys : ['deviceType', 'deviceId'],
                unique : true,
  • Restart memdb cluster
memdbcluster stop
memdbcluster drop // drop existing data if database is not empty
memdbcluster start
  • Make sure you have started shard 's1' on localhost:31017
  • Install npm dependencies
npm install memdb-client
  • Run with node >= 0.12 with --harmony option
node --harmony sample.js


  • Data is not bind to specified shard, you can access any data from any shard.
  • All operations inside a single transaction must be executed on one single shard.
  • Access the same data from the same shard if possible, which will maximize performance.
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