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Ramrexx edited this page Mar 25, 2015 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the CloudFormsPOC wiki!

Installation Instructions

  1. Download the repo CloudForms POC Repository.
  2. Extract the zip file to your desktop.

Automate: Importing the CloudFormsPOC Domain

  1. Withing the zip file find the Automate folder you will need to create a zip of the CloudFormsPOC directory and all of its contents.
  2. Log into your CloudForms/ManageIQ appliance and navigate to Automate / Import/Export.
  3. Upload the file. This may take a few seconds.
  4. When complete navigate to Automate / Explorer and you should see the CloudForms POC Domain.
  5. You will need to edit the domain and check the "enable" box.
  6. Your automate domain is ready to use!

Reports: Importing the CloudFormsPOC Reports

  1. Withing the zip file find the "Reports" folder.
  2. Log into your CloudForms/ManageIQ appliance and navigate to Cloud Intelligence / Reports / Import/Export.
  3. Import the Reports and or Widgets you want

Policies: Importing the CloudFormsPOC Control Policies

  1. Withing the zip file find the "Control" folder.
  2. Log into your CloudForms/ManageIQ appliance and navigate to Control / Import/Export.
  3. Import the Policies that you want

Alerts: Importing the CloudFormsPOC Alerts

  1. Withing the zip file find the "Alert" folder.
  2. Log into your CloudForms/ManageIQ appliance and navigate to Control / Import/Export.
  3. Import the Alerts that you want

Service Dialogs: Importing the CloudFormsPOC Service Dialogs

  1. Withing the zip file find the "ServiceDialog" folder.
  2. Log into your CloudForms/ManageIQ appliance and navigate to Automate / Customization / Import/Export (This is located in the bottom left of your accordion).
  3. Import the Service Dialogs that you want.