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Laravel plus+ add presentation for your models

public function present()

Write your presents in long time:

Write presents in long time, laplus will create your migrations

Laplus will generate your migrations:

Laplus will create your migrations


  • Php 8.2 or higher
  • Laravel 11.0



1- Install the package with composer:

composer require rapid/laplus

2- Publish configs

Run this command to publish configs to config/laplus.php

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laplus

3- Convert default User model to presentable model (optional):

  • Add HasPresent trait:
class User extends Model
    use HasPresent;
  • Remove $fillable, $hidden and casts() values:
//protected $fillable = ['name', 'email', 'password'];
//protected $hidden = ['password', 'remember_token'];
//protected function casts() { ... }

Laplus will automatically add this values.

  • Create UserPresent class with the following command:
php artisan make:user-present

Or add below code in User class:

protected function present(Present $present)
  • Move default migration to laplus path:

Find database/migrations/0001_01_01_000000_create_users_table.php file and move it into database/migrations/auto_generated folder (create it if doesn't exists)

Make model & present

You can use this command to create a model and a present:

php artisan make:model+ Name

This command will create app/Models/Name.php model and app/Presents/NamePresent.php present.

Make model with inline present

You can use this command to create a model with inline present:

php artisan make:model+ Name --inline

This command will create app/Models/Name.php model.


Generate Migrations

Run this command to automatically found the updates and generate migrations:

php artisan generate+

Regenerate Migrations

This command is same with generate+, but the difference is clearing the migration folder!

php artisan regenerate+

Warning: This command will remove all your migration files (exclude files starts with 0001_01_01 name)

Generate And Migrate

Following command, run generate+ and migrate at once:

php artisan migrate+

More Document

More document found in Documents section.