It could be used to automate the process of making backups of your www files and mysql database.
- Packs selected directory on your server to restic repository,
- Same with the selected mysql database,
- Sends it to cloud using rclone e.g. Google Drive,
- Removes the oldest backups(on the server and Google Drive) according settings.
- A Linux server with mysql.
- Any Cloud provider for rcloud sync. E.g. for Google Drive you would need a valid Google Drive 'Client ID' and 'Secret client key' created.
- Install required restic, resticprofile and rclone tools and also setup initial files, with the script
- Configure rclone for cloud backups
rclone config
- Fill up the ./config.conf file with your own details and also store somewhere safe, the generated
You can add this to cron or run manually when needed.