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This project uses devenv to launch a developer environment ready to be used by everyone.
This is even more consistent than a docker based setup.

First clone the repository

git clone
cd sh00p

Devenv setup

First we need Nix, Cachix and devenv itself. This can be installed with the following commands

sh <(curl -L --daemon        # follow the steps here
nix-env -iA cachix -f
cachix use devenv
nix-env -if
direnv allow .                                              # This will automatically start the devenv shell next time you visit the directory
devenv shell                                                # Only needed this one time

After that boot up the devenv shell by running this command in a seperate terminal in the sh00p directory
devenv up


Next we have to install the dependencies

composer install
cd tools/php-cs-fixer
composer install
cd ../..


The database is already provided by the devenv setup. To create the tables and execute the migrations execute the following commands

php bin/console doctrine:mi:mi

Want some product test data? I have written a command in src/Command/GenerateTestDataCommand.php that will generate some test data for you.

php bin/console sh00p:generate-products 20 # will generate 20 products

And thats it!
Done! You can now access the API at http://localhost:8000!



Adminer is a database management tool that is available at http://localhost:9080

At the current state Adminer has issues with PHP 8.3.
It will show you a nix path where the Adminer path is located. You can fix the issue by running the following command

sudo sed -i 's/Trying to access array offset on value of type null/Trying to access array offset on( value of type)? null/g' <filename>


Caddy is a web server that hosts the Project at http://localhost:8000


Want some API documentation? This is available at http://localhost:8000/api/doc
This is also interactive! It allows you to test the API directly from the documentation.


There is a 100% coverage for all the services created for this project.
To execute the existing tests run the following command

php bin/phpunit tests

If you like to see the current coverage you can run the following command

php bin/phpunit --coverage-text tests/

Code style and Static Type checking

This project uses PHP-CS-Fixer for the code-style. You can check and fix the code-style by issuing the following command

php tools/php-cs-fixer/vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix -v

It also uses PHPStan for static type checking.
To execute this run the following command

php vendor/bin/phpstan analyse


Here is a little examples how a full workflow could look like.
This example assumes that you have generated test products with the command sh00p:generate-products 20

Create a customer

http://localhost:8000/api/v1/customers as a POST request

  "name": "Dominik"

Creates a customer

Now we can create a cart for the customer by issuing a POST request to http://localhost:8000/api/v1/customers/1/carts

  "name": "Test cart for all my super fancy tech stuff plus a typo here hehe"

I believe that a customer should have the possibility to create multiple carts, so they can share it to other people or just use it for themselves.

Now let's add a product to the cart by issuing a POST request to http://localhost:8000//api/v1/customers/1/carts/1/products

  "amount": 5,
  "product_id": 1

Oh whoops! Did you notice the typo in my cart name?
Better fix it by issuing a PATCH request to http://localhost:8000/api/v1/customers/1/carts/1

  "name": "Test cart for all my super fancy tech stuff"

All done!
Got myself some brandnew products!

What is left to do?

  • Add better error handling as currently we just pass the exception to the user
  • Add a github actions workflow to automatically run the tests and the code-style checks
  • Add a github actions workflow to automatically deploy the project to a server
  • Add a program to have some kind of production test
  • Write Integration tests
  • Consider using "match" everywhere


A clean implementation of a simple shopping cart







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