That's where I'll upload few code samples I made, most of them are useless though.
This simple irc bot writen in vala connect to an irc channel and reply to '!fib n' commands with the nth Fibonacci number.
Compile with :
valac fibirc.vala --pkg gee-1.0 --pkg gio-2.0
It require valac compiler.
Usage :
./ircbot --help
This is a python implementation of the sha1 algorithm, was originaly done for my brother who needed to do it as a programation homework (but since I finished it a bit too late -aka. after midnight- it was never used). If you are looking for a fast and efficient implementation of sha1, you'd better to use the buildin hashlib's implementation, which is much faster.
./ "string to hash"
This is the ANSI C version of the Huffan decompression algorithm from teeworlds' C++ version. It's not a full implementation of the Huffman compression algorithm and was only created for fisted's wireshark tw dissector
Can be compiled with:
gcc -ansi -pedantic -Wall -fPIC *.c -o huffman
Also work with less strict rules:
gcc *.c -o huffman
main.c is only a test program
PHP scripts to convert sql blob data (0xAF49...) to binary data and vice versa.
Both scripts can be replaced by inline php commands:
php -r 'echo "0x".bin2hex(file_get_contents("php://stdin"));'
php -r 'echo pack("H*" , preg_replace(array("/^0x/i","/[^0-9A-F]/i"),"",file_get_contents("php://stdin")));'