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query and ingest in depth

stackedsax edited this page Jan 5, 2016 · 1 revision

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Test Blueflood API

Test Blueflood API

API Version

The current API version is '2.0'. The deprecated v1.0 endpoints still work but will be replaced in a future release of Blueflood.

Send Numeric Metrics

The following is the curl command for Blueflood API. The tenant-id is how Blueflood supports multi-tenant. Metric names under different tenant-id will always be treated as different metrics even if they are identical.

curl -i -X POST 'http://localhost:19000/v2.0/tenant-id/ingest' -d \
        "collectionTime": 1376509892612,
        "ttlInSeconds": 172800,
        "metricValue": 66,
        "metricName": ""
        "collectionTime": 1376509892612,
        "ttlInSeconds": 172800,
        "metricValue": 66,
        "metricName": "example.metric.two"
        "collectionTime": 1376509892612,
        "ttlInSeconds": 172800,
        "metricValue": 66,
        "metricName": "example.metric.three"

Send Aggregated Metrics

Blueflood accepts aggregated metrics, such as the ones sent by statsd. The following is the curl command for sending aggregated metrics to Blueflood for the tenant with id 123456.

curl -i -XPOST 'http://localhost:19000/v2.0/123456/ingest/aggregated' -d '
  "tenantId": "123456",
  "timestamp": 111111111,
  "gauges": [
      "name": "gauge_name",
      "value": 42
      "value": 4343
  "counters": [
      "name": "counter_name",
      "value": 32,
      "rate": 2.32
      "name": "another_counter",
      "value": 4424,
      "rate": 52.1
  "timers": [
      "name": "timer_name",
      "count": 32,
      "rate": 2.3,
      "min": 1,
      "max": 5,
      "sum": 21,
      "avg": 2.1,
      "median": 3,
      "std": 1.01,
      "histogram": {
        "bin_50": 0,
        "bin_100": 0,
        "bin_inf": 0
  "sets": [
      "name": "set_name",
      "values": ["foo", "bar", "baz"]
      "name": "another_set",
      "values": ["boo", "far", "zab"]

Retrieve Metrics

curl -i -X GET 'http://localhost:20000/v2.0/tenant-id/views/'

This will retrieve the metrics data as

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 232

  "values": [
      "numPoints": 1,
      "timestamp": 1376509892612,
      "average": 66
  "metadata": {
    "limit": null,
    "next_href": null,
    "count": 1,
    "marker": null

You can filter stats displayed by appending a select parameter to the API request like so:

curl -i -X GET 'http://localhost:20000/v1.0/tenant-id/experimental/views/metric_data/,min,numPoints'

The available fields are: average, variance, min, max, numPoints

Retrieve data for list of metrics

You can also get data for a list of metrics. The maximum number of metrics that can be fetched is set to 100 by default (configurable). Here is the curl command to get two metrics:

curl -i -X POST 'http://localhost:20000/v2.0/ac12a36b5c-5313-11e3-ba22-000c29da7d83/views?from=1384975594392&to=1385178594392&points=100' -d \


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 749

  "metrics": [
      "unit": "seconds",
      "metric": "met.12a3a658-5313-11e3-ba22-000c29da7d83",
      "data": [
          "numPoints": 97,
          "timestamp": 1385074800000,
          "average": 48
          "numPoints": 3,
          "timestamp": 1385078400000,
          "average": 54
      "type": "number"
      "unit": "seconds",
      "metric": "met.42f287ca-5313-11e3-99ba-000c29da7d83",
      "data": [
          "numPoints": 94,
          "timestamp": 1385074800000,
          "average": 54
          "numPoints": 6,
          "timestamp": 1385078400000,
          "average": 62
      "type": "number"

Metrics Rollups

An alternate way to interact with blueflood is to use the [] ( and [] ( scripts to ingest data into blueflood and retrieve aggregated metrics.

If you run [] ( against the blueflood instance that you set up, it will generate large number of metric data and push them into Blueflood. The following is an example of output. Yours will have different metric name and tenant id.

NOTE: These scripts currently use the v1.0 endpoints, which are deprecated.

> ./

        "collectionTime": 1378333729069,
        "ttlInSeconds": 172800,
        "metricValue": 98,
        "unit": "seconds",
        "metricName": "met.2211ecf0-15c2-11e3-a505-bc764e10e18e"
        "collectionTime": 1378333759069,
        "ttlInSeconds": 172800,
        "metricValue": 19,
        "unit": "seconds",
        "metricName": "met.2211ecf0-15c2-11e3-a505-bc764e10e18e"
        "collectionTime": 1378336699069,
        "ttlInSeconds": 172800,
        "metricValue": 3,
        "unit": "seconds",
        "metricName": "met.2211ecf0-15c2-11e3-a505-bc764e10e18e"
Writing metrics for tenant: ac2210dd10-15c2-11e3-a505-bc764e10e18e, metric name: met.2211ecf0-15c2-11e3-a505-bc764e10e18e,            start: 1378333729069, end: 1378336729069
Response from server <Response [200]>
To retrive the generated data with script, use the following command (assuming port number 20000):

./ --host localhost --port 20000 --metric met.2211ecf0-15c2-11e3-a505-bc764e10e18e --tenant ac2210dd10-15c2-11e3-a505-bc764e10e18e --from 1378233729069 --to 1378436729069 --points 100

The output has the information about the metric name and the tenant ID under which the data are generated. It also prints out the command to retrieve the data using the You can change the time range to decide see the change on the data being returned.

>./ --host localhost --port 20000 --metric met.2211ecf0-15c2-11e3-a505-bc764e10e18e --tenant ac2210dd10-15c2-11e3-a505-bc764e10e18e --from 1378233729069 --to 1378436729069 --points 100
  "values": [
      "numPoints": 63,
      "timestamp": 1378332000000,
      "average": 51
      "numPoints": 37,
      "timestamp": 1378335600000,
      "average": 36
  "metadata": {
    "limit": null,
    "next_href": null,
    "count": 2,
    "marker": null

You can change the number of points and see how you get different granularities of rolled up data. The retrieve script also prints out the URL for the retrieve API. You can use curl and add additional parameters that are not supported by the retrieve metrics.

curl -i -X GET 'http://localhost:20000/v2.0/ac2210dd10-15c2-11e3-a505-bc764e10e18e/views/met.2211ecf0-15c2-11e3-a505-bc764e10e18e?from=1378233729069&to=1378436729069&points=100&select=average,variance'
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 354

  "values": [
      "timestamp": 1378332000000,
      "variance": 858.74,
      "average": 49
      "timestamp": 1378335600000,
      "unit": "seconds",
      "variance": 694.67,
      "average": 36
  "metadata": {
    "limit": null,
    "next_href": null,
    "count": 2,
    "marker": null

Metrics List Query

You can list all metrics of a given tenant if you have ElasticSearch set up. You can also do wildcard searches on metric names. See examples below.

curl -X GET http://localhost:20000/v2.0/tenant-id/metrics/search?query=*

Results follow:

        "metric": ""
        "metric": "example.metric.two"
        "metric": "example.metric.three"

Few more examples of wildcard searches are:

curl -X GET http://localhost:20000/v2.0/tenant-id/metrics/search?query=example.*
curl -X GET http://localhost:20000/v2.0/tenant-id/metrics/search?query=example.metric.*