This project is a simple hybrid AngularJS/Angular application with WebPack. The aim of this project is to aid developers starting their journey of upgrading an AngularJS application in small chunks over to Angular.
There seemed to be a lack of documentation online about setting up a hybrid app with WebPack. The official docs use SystemJS, so that was out of the question. Some blogs I found used WebPack, but they assumed your AngularJS app was already completely componentized (using the 1.5 component API) and others assumed you were writing ES2015. Neither of these are true in many cases, this seed project fills that gap.
To get you started you can simply clone the angularHybrid
repository and install the dependencies:
You need git to clone the angularHybrid
repository. You'll also need NPM and Bower to install the application packages.
Clone the angularHybrid
repository using git:
git clone
cd angularHybrid
npm install
bower install
- contains the npm packages for the tools we needapp/bower_components
- contains the Angular framework files
I have preconfigured the project with a simple webpack development web server. The simplest way to start this server is:
npm start
Now browse to the app at http://localhost:8000/#/foo
To run the AngularJS tests
karma start
To run the Angular tests
karma start karma.conf.webpack.js