Jenkins image with docker in docker strategy
Supported tags and respective Dockerfile
, 2.164.3
docker run --privileged \
-p 8080:8080 \
-e JENKINS_USER=redpanda \
-e JENKINS_PASS=redpanda \
-v jenkins-dind:/root/.jenkins \
We use the following plugins as the base for installing plugins
- ansicolor:latest
- antisamy-markup-formatter:latest
- bitbucket:latest
- blueocean:latest
- build-monitor-plugin:latest
- cloudbees-bitbucket-branch-source:latest
- embeddable-build-status:latest
- file-operations:latest
- git:latest
- github-branch-source:latest
- github-organization-folder:latest
- github:latest
- htmlpublisher:latest
- jira-steps:latest
- mask-passwords:latest
- pipeline-utility-steps:latest
- simple-theme-plugin:latest
- slack:latest
- sonar:latest
- ssh-agent:latest
- thinBackup:latest
- timestamper:latest
- workflow-aggregator:latest
As result of the plugins installation, resolving all dependencies, we get this
Total number of plugins: 104
- ace-editor - 1.1
- ansicolor - 0.6.2
- antisamy-markup-formatter - 1.5
- apache-httpcomponents-client-4-api - 4.5.5-3.0
- authentication-tokens - 1.3
- bitbucket - 1.1.9
- blueocean - 1.17.0
- blueocean-autofavorite - 1.2.4
- blueocean-bitbucket-pipeline - 1.17.0
- blueocean-commons - 1.17.0
- blueocean-config - 1.17.0
- blueocean-core-js - 1.17.0
- blueocean-dashboard - 1.17.0
- blueocean-display-url - 2.3.0
- blueocean-events - 1.17.0
- blueocean-git-pipeline - 1.17.0
- blueocean-github-pipeline - 1.17.0
- blueocean-i18n - 1.17.0
- blueocean-jira - 1.17.0
- blueocean-jwt - 1.17.0
- blueocean-personalization - 1.17.0
- blueocean-pipeline-api-impl - 1.17.0
- blueocean-pipeline-editor - 1.17.0
- blueocean-pipeline-scm-api - 1.17.0
- blueocean-rest - 1.17.0
- blueocean-rest-impl - 1.17.0
- blueocean-web - 1.17.0
- bouncycastle-api - 2.17
- branch-api - 2.5.2
- build-monitor-plugin - 1.12+build.201809061734
- cloudbees-bitbucket-branch-source - 2.4.4
- cloudbees-folder - 6.9
- credentials - 2.2.0
- credentials-binding - 1.19
- display-url-api - 2.3.1
- docker-commons - 1.15
- docker-workflow - 1.18
- durable-task - 1.29
- embeddable-build-status - 2.0.1
- favorite - 2.3.2
- file-operations - 1.7
- git - 3.10.0
- git-client - 2.7.7
- git-server - 1.7
- github - 1.29.4
- github-api - 1.95
- github-branch-source - 2.5.3
- github-organization-folder - 1.6
- handlebars - 1.1.1
- handy-uri-templates-2-api - 2.1.7-1.0
- htmlpublisher - 1.18
- jackson2-api - 2.9.9
- jenkins-design-language - 1.17.0
- jira - 3.0.7
- jira-steps - 1.4.5
- jquery-detached - 1.2.1
- jsch - 0.1.55
- junit - 1.28
- lockable-resources - 2.5
- mailer - 1.23
- mask-passwords - 2.12.0
- matrix-project - 1.14
- mercurial - 2.6
- momentjs - 1.1.1
- pipeline-build-step - 2.9
- pipeline-github-lib - 1.0
- pipeline-graph-analysis - 1.10
- pipeline-input-step - 2.10
- pipeline-milestone-step - 1.3.1
- pipeline-model-api - 1.3.9
- pipeline-model-declarative-agent - 1.1.1
- pipeline-model-definition - 1.3.9
- pipeline-model-extensions - 1.3.9
- pipeline-rest-api - 2.11
- pipeline-stage-step - 2.3
- pipeline-stage-tags-metadata - 1.3.9
- pipeline-stage-view - 2.11
- pipeline-utility-steps - 2.3.0
- plain-credentials - 1.5
- pubsub-light - 1.12
- scm-api - 2.4.1
- script-security - 1.60
- simple-theme-plugin - 0.5.1
- slack - 2.24
- sonar - 2.9
- sse-gateway - 1.17
- ssh-agent - 1.17
- ssh-credentials - 1.17
- structs - 1.19
- thinBackup - 1.9
- timestamper - 1.9
- token-macro - 2.8
- variant - 1.2
- workflow-aggregator - 2.6
- workflow-api - 2.35
- workflow-basic-steps - 2.18
- workflow-cps - 2.70
- workflow-cps-global-lib - 2.13
- workflow-durable-task-step - 2.31
- workflow-job - 2.32
- workflow-multibranch - 2.21
- workflow-scm-step - 2.9
- workflow-step-api - 2.20
- workflow-support - 3.3
- docker
- docker-compose
- rancher-compose
- nvm
- node
- jar
- jq
- make
- python
- unzip