Run glacier -help
for a list of all supported commands.
Keys can be provided on the command line (-secret=xxx -access=xxx), in a file (-keys=keyfile which has the secret key before the access id key), or by environment variables (AWS_SECRET_KEY, AWS_ACCESS_KEY).
Uploading an archive, returns the archive id:
glacier archive upload us-east-1 testvault "Description of"
Upload a large archive in 64 MiB parts, returns the archive id:
glacier multipart run us-east-1 testvault 64 "Description of"
Initiate a download job, returns job id, and retrieve it once it's complete:
glacier job archive us-east-1 testvault archiveid snstopic "Descripiton of retrieval job"
glacier job get archive us-east-1 testvault jobid
Downloading a large file in 64 MiB parts by initiating the retrieval job, waiting and periodically poll to see if the retrieval is complete, and then download the file:
glacier job run us-east-1 testvault archiveid 64