This is a Push/Action monitoring setup for when we run Load/Performance Tests on AppStudio
Runs Prometheus, Pushgateway Grafana, and Contains a gopkg which communicates with each other to gather and display metrics that are captured during StoneSoup Performance/Load Tests
This application consists of 3 components
- Push gateway
- Prometheus
- Grafana
For this application, the above 3 components have to be deployed
The pre-configured yaml file
To deploy this component in RHTAP, Create a project and add Pushgateway as a component. It’ll use the configuration mentioned earlier to deploy. You can edit the configuration file, if and when necessary.
Before deploying Prometheus, we should make a config map. Here is a sample config map reference. Edit the file accordingly.
Then, use this deployment yaml to deploy it in RHTAP
To deploy Grafana in RHTAP, here are the necessary steps
- Create secrets
- Configure those variables in this file
The below fields are mandatory
- URL to any Database (like RDS)
- Provide the type DB (like POSTGRES)
- Password of that DB
- Username of that DB
is an optional one
- Get the offline token
- Get access token
oc login
to secret.yaml- Run
oc apply
These commands will help in configuring the secret
Import grafana component to RHTAP
Once this application is deployed, the next step is to upload the data to push the gateway
Initialize an object for
with thePushgateway URL
controller := metrics.NewMetricController("URL", "load") controller.InitPusher();
Use the
function to upload the data.controller.PushMetrics(constants.CollectorUsers,constants.MetricTypeCounter,constants.MetricSuccessfulUserCreationsCounter)
- Here is a tester code
- Use these code blocks as a reference for uploading data to push the gateway