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A micro-service that updates the Neo4j database for Estuary in real-time


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Getting Started


Estuary Updater is a micro-service that updates the Neo4j graph database used by Estuary in real-time by reading and processing messages from the UMB.

Dependency Management

To manage dependencies, this project uses pip-tools so that the production dependencies are pinned and the hashes of the dependencies are verified during installation.

The unpinned dependencies are recorded in, and to generate the requirements.txt file, run make pin_dependencies. This is only necessary when modifying one of the * files. To upgrade a package, use the -P argument of the pip-compile command.

When installing the dependencies in a production environment, run pip install --require-hashes -r requirements.txt. Alternatively, you may use pip-sync requirements.txt, which will make sure your virtualenv only has the packages listed in requirements.txt.

Run the Unit Tests

Since the unit tests require a running Neo4j instance, the tests are run in Docker containers using Docker Compose. The commands required to run the unit tests are abstracted in scripts/ This script will create the Docker image required to run the tests based on docker/Dockerfile-tests, create a container with Neo4j, create another container to run the tests based on the built Docker image, run the tests, and then delete the two created containers.

To install Docker and Docker Compose on Fedora, run:

$ sudo dnf install docker docker-compose

To start Docker, run:

$ sudo systemctl start docker

To run the tests, run:

$ sudo scripts/

To run just a single test, you can run:

sudo scripts/ pytest-3 -vvv tests/test_file::test_name

Code Styling

The codebase conforms to the style enforced by flake8 with the following exceptions:

  • The maximum line length allowed is 100 characters instead of 80 characters

In addition to flake8, docstrings are also enforced by the plugin flake8-docstrings with the following exemptions:

  • D100: Missing docstring in public module
  • D104: Missing docstring in public package

The format of the docstrings should be in the Sphynx style such as:

Get a node from Neo4j.

:param str resource: a resource name that maps to a neomodel class
:param str uid: the value of the UniqueIdProperty to query with
:return: an object representing the Neo4j node
:rtype: neomodel.StructuredNode
:raises ValidationError: if an invalid resource was requested

Creating a New Handler

  • Create a new file in estuary_updater/handlers such as estuary_updater/handlers/
  • At the top of the new file, add the following license header and imports:
    # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0+
    from __future__ import unicode_literals, absolute_import
    from estuary_updater.handlers.base import BaseHandler
  • Then you can proceed to create your handler in the same file as such:
    class DistGitHandler(BaseHandler):
    """A handler for dist-git related messages."""
    def can_handle(msg):
        Determine if this handler can handle this message.
        :param dict msg: a message to be analyzed
        :return: a bool based on if the handler can handle this kind of message
        :rtype: bool
        # Code goes here to determine if the message can be handled by this handler
    def handle(self, msg):
        Handle a message and update Neo4j if necessary.
        :param dict msg: a message to be processed
        # Code goes here to handle/process the message
  • Then register your handler by adding the class to estuary_updater.handlers.all_handlers such as:
    from estuary_updater.handlers.distgit import DistGitHandler
    all_handlers = [DistGitHandler, OtherHandlerHere]
  • Lastly, add any additional topics to the fedmsg.d/ file by editing the estuary_updater.topics value.

Writing a New Unit Test For Your Handler

  • Create a new file to store the JSON message you want to test your handler with. This should be stored in tests/messages such as tests/messages/distgit/new_commit.json.
  • Create a new file in tests/handlers/ such as tests/handlers/
  • At the top of the new file, add the following license header and imports:
    # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0+
    from __future__ import unicode_literals, absolute_import
    import json
    from os import path
  • Then you can proceed to create your unit test in the same file as such:
    from estuary.models.distgit import DistGitCommit
    from tests import message_dir
    from estuary_updater.handlers.distgit import DistGitHandler
    from estuary_updater import config
    def test_distgit_new_commit():
        """Test the dist-git handler when it recieves a new commit message."""
        # Load the message to pass to the handler
        with open(path.join(message_dir, 'distgit', 'new_commit.json'), 'r') as f:
            msg = json.load(f)
        # Make sure the handler can handle the message
        assert DistGitHandler.can_handle(msg) is True
        # Instantiate the handler
        handler = DistGitHandler(config)
        # Run the handler
        # Verify everything looks good in Neo4j
        commit = DistGitCommit.nodes.get_or_none(hash_='some_hash_from_the_message')
        assert commit is not None
        # Do additional checks here

Code Documentation

To document new files, please check here.


A micro-service that updates the Neo4j database for Estuary in real-time







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