Redux style control flow middleware - inspired by haskel's free monad approach to io and co.
$ npm install redux-flo
import flow from 'redux-flo'
import fetchMiddleware, {fetch} from 'redux-effects-fetch'
import {createStore, applyMiddleware} from 'redux'
const store = createStore(identity, applyMiddleware(flo(), fetchMiddleware))
const dispatch = store.dispatch
// simple parallel
]).then(res => res /* [google, facebook] */)
// simple serial
dispatch(function * () {
yield fetch('') // google
return yield fetch('')
}).then(res => res /* facebook */)
// complex
dispatch(function * () {
yield fetch('') // google
yield fetch('') // facebook
yield [fetch(''), fetch('')] // [heroku, segment]
return 'done'
}).then(res => res /* 'done' */)
FLO middleWare.
- handles errors in flows (defualts to throws)successHandler
- handles successes in flow (defaults to identity function)
Returns: redux style middleware
Flo is simple and powerful:
Functors and generators will be mapped and converted to a promise (basically a map-reduce).
toPromise(map(dispatch, action)).then(successHandler, errorHandler)
Promises and thunks are converted to a promise.
toPromise(action).then(successHandler, errorHandler)
All other types (mostly we are talking about plain objects here) are passed down the middleware stack.
Functors implement map. An array is a functor. A plain object is not. This is good, because we don't want Flo to handle plain objects. We can however coerce plain objects into functors, letting you define custome behavior for Flo. Here's an example:
import flow from 'redux-flo'
import fetchMiddleware, {fetch} from 'redux-effects-fetch'
import bind from '@f/bind-middleware'
import ObjectF from '@f/obj-functor'
let dispatch = bind([flow(), fetchMiddleware])
dispatch(function * () {
yield ObjectF({
google: fetch(''),
facebook: fetch('')
}) // => {google: google, facebook: facebook}