Use RxJS v4 with redux-observable
This library is meant as a stop gap to help ease migration progressively, not as a band-aid for indefinite interop.
This has a peer dependency of rx@4.*.*
, which will have to be installed as well.
npm install --save redux-observable-adapter-rxjs-v4
This library basically will convert the v5 ActionsObservable
provided to your Epics into a v4 version. Then the v4 Observable you return will be converted back to v5 inside the middleware.
import v4Adapter from 'redux-observable-adapter-rxjs-v4';
const epicMiddleware = createEpicMiddleware(rootEpic, { adapter: v4Adapter });
// your Epics are now v4 streams
const fetchUserEpic = action$ =>
.select(fetchUserFulfilled); // .select() is a v4-only operator for .map()
We suggest you upgrade your app to use RxJS v5 as soon as possible. To ease that migration, you can also include the rxjs-compatibility library to start using RxJS v5 in your Epics while you transition the rest of your app away from v4.
After you've run patchObservables()
, you can opt Epics into v5 (or v4) version with the new operators:
const exampleEpic = action$ =>