Go library for Parsing Ansible inventory files.
We are trying to follow the logic of Ansible parser as close as possible.
Documentation on ansible inventory files can be found here:
- Variables
- Host patterns
- Nested groups
- Load variables from
package aini // import "github.com/relex/aini"
func MatchGroups(groups map[string]*Group, pattern string) (map[string]*Group, error)
MatchGroups looks for groups that match the pattern
func MatchHosts(hosts map[string]*Host, pattern string) (map[string]*Host, error)
MatchHosts looks for hosts that match the pattern
func MatchVars(vars map[string]string, pattern string) (map[string]string, error)
MatchVars looks for vars that match the pattern
type Group struct {
Name string
Vars map[string]string
Hosts map[string]*Host
Children map[string]*Group
Parents map[string]*Group
// Has unexported fields.
Group represents ansible group
func GroupMapListValues(mymap map[string]*Group) []*Group
GroupMapListValues transforms map of Groups into Group list in lexical order
func (group *Group) MatchHosts(pattern string) (map[string]*Host, error)
MatchHosts looks for hosts that match the pattern
func (group *Group) MatchVars(pattern string) (map[string]string, error)
MatchVars looks for vars that match the pattern
func (group Group) String() string
type Host struct {
Name string
Port int
Vars map[string]string
Groups map[string]*Group
// Has unexported fields.
Host represents ansible host
func HostMapListValues(mymap map[string]*Host) []*Host
HostMapListValues transforms map of Hosts into Host list in lexical order
func (host *Host) MatchGroups(pattern string) (map[string]*Group, error)
MatchGroups looks for groups that match the pattern
func (host *Host) MatchVars(pattern string) (map[string]string, error)
MatchVars looks for vars that match the pattern
func (host Host) String() string
type InventoryData struct {
Groups map[string]*Group
Hosts map[string]*Host
InventoryData contains parsed inventory representation Note: Groups and
Hosts fields contain all the groups and hosts, not only top-level
func Parse(r io.Reader) (*InventoryData, error)
Parse using some Reader
func ParseFile(f string) (*InventoryData, error)
ParseFile parses Inventory represented as a file
func ParseString(input string) (*InventoryData, error)
ParseString parses Inventory represented as a string
func (inventory *InventoryData) AddVars(path string) error
AddVars take a path that contains group_vars and host_vars directories and
adds these variables to the InventoryData
func (inventory *InventoryData) AddVarsLowerCased(path string) error
AddVarsLowerCased does the same as AddVars, but converts hostnames and
groups name to lowercase. Use this function if you've executed
`inventory.HostsToLower` or `inventory.GroupsToLower`
func (inventory *InventoryData) GroupsToLower()
GroupsToLower transforms all group names to lowercase
func (inventory *InventoryData) HostsToLower()
HostsToLower transforms all host names to lowercase
func (inventory *InventoryData) Match(pattern string) []*Host
Match looks for hosts that match the pattern Deprecated: Use `MatchHosts`,
which does proper error handling
func (inventory *InventoryData) MatchGroups(pattern string) (map[string]*Group, error)
MatchGroups looks for groups that match the pattern
func (inventory *InventoryData) MatchHosts(pattern string) (map[string]*Host, error)
MatchHosts looks for hosts that match the pattern
func (inventory *InventoryData) Reconcile()
Reconcile ensures inventory basic rules, run after updates. After initial
inventory file processing, only direct relationships are set.
This method:
* (re)sets Children and Parents for hosts and groups
* ensures that mandatory groups exist
* calculates variables for hosts and groups
import (
func main() {
// Load from string example
inventoryReader := strings.NewReader(`
host2 ansible_ssh_user=root
var inventory InventoryData = aini.Parse(inventoryReader)
// Querying hosts
_ = inventory.Hosts["host1"].Name == "host1" // true
_ = inventory.Hosts["host1"].Port == 2221 // true
_ = inventory.Hosts["host2"].Name == "host2"] // true
_ = inventory.Hosts["host2"].Post == 22] // true
_ = len(inventory.Hosts["host1"].Groups) == 2 // all, ungrouped
_ = len(inventory.Hosts["host2"].Groups) == 2 // all, web
_ = len(inventory.Match("host*")) == 2 // host1, host2
_ = // Querying groups
_ = inventory.Groups["web"].Hosts[0].Name == "host2" // true
_ = len(inventory.Groups["all"].Hosts) == 2 // true
go install github.com/relex/aini/cmd/ainidump@latest
ainidump ~/my-playbook/inventory/ansible-hosts
Host and group variable files in the inventory directory are always loaded. The result is in JSON:
- Host's groups and Group's parents are ordered by level from bottom to top
- Rest are ordered by names
"Hosts": [
"Name": "myhost1.domain",
"Groups": [
"Vars": {
"ansible_host": "",
"region": "india"
"Name": "myhost2.domain",
// ...
"Groups": [
"Name": "companyhosts",
"Parents": [
"Descendants": [
"Hosts": [
"Vars": {
"region": "india",
Find hosts matched by Ansible target patterns, works for both hostnames and group names.
ainidump ~/my-playbook/inventory/ansible-hosts 'recent[1-3]:extrahost*:&eu:!finland'
The result is a dictionary of hosts in the same format above.