rlex is a tool program for generating lexical analyzers (scanners). It supports the lexical rules of the c language
$ cd src && make && make install
$ rlex
rlex 0.01 [gcc 4.8.5] [Aug 28 2022]. (c) 2022, ****. all rights reserved.
rlex: file name required
usage is: rlex [options] file
-f for (f)ast. don't compress tables
-h suppress (h)eader comment that describes state machine
-l suppress #(l)ine directives in the output
-t send output to standard output instead of lex.yy.c
-v (v)erbose mode, print statistics
-V more (V)erbose, print internal diagnostics as rlex runs
generate a word count program that, like the utility wc
$ rlex ../test/wc.lex
$ gcc -o wc lex.yy.c -llex
$ ./wc $filename
or run 'make test' to generate the wc test program
$ make test