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The codemirror component of vue3. This component is developed based on Codemirror 5 and only vue3 is supported.

In addition to the officially supported modes, the log output presentation mode is added, out of the box, but not necessarily suitable for all scenarios.

For complete documentation and more cases, please check codemirror-editor-vue3 docs.


npm install codemirror-editor-vue3 codemirror@^5 -S
yarn add codemirror-editor-vue3 codemirror@">=5.64.0 <6"
pnpm i codemirror-editor-vue3 codemirror@^5 -S

If your project requires Typescript support, you will also need to install the '@types/codemirror' dependency.

npm install @types/codemirror -D

Register global component

Do not recommend global registration components, which will result in the type of prompt on the template that cannot be properly obtained.


import { createApp } from "vue";
import App from "./App.vue";
import { InstallCodeMirror } from "codemirror-editor-vue3";

const app = createApp(App);

The global registered component name is Codemirror or you can customize a component name, for example:

app.use(InstallCodeMirror, { componentName: "customName" });

Use in components

    placeholder="test placeholder"

import Codemirror from "codemirror-editor-vue3";

// placeholder
import "codemirror/addon/display/placeholder.js";

// language
import "codemirror/mode/javascript/javascript.js";
// placeholder
import "codemirror/addon/display/placeholder.js";
// theme
import "codemirror/theme/dracula.css";

import { ref } from "vue";
export default {
  components: { Codemirror },
  setup() {
    const code = ref(`
var i = 0;
for (; i < 9; i++) {
  // more statements

    return {
      cmOptions: {
        mode: "text/javascript", // Language mode
        theme: "dracula", // Theme

Language highlighting

You can click on the following link to view corresponding language cases

More cases are gradually being added, and you can also refer to document to achieve more language modes.

Component Props

name description type default
value(v-model) Editor content string ""
options Configuration options of codemirror5 EditorConfiguration DEFAULT_OPTIONS
placeholder Editor placeholder content to introduce codemirror related files string ""
border Whether to display editor borders boolean false
width width string 100%
height height string 100%
original-style Using the original style, disable the second modification of the style for this component (but does not affect width, height, and border) boolean false
KeepCursorInEnd Always keep the mouse position on the last line boolean false
merge merge mode, can also be used as diff pattern boolean false


Component Events

The following three are only the events encapsulated by this component. Please refer to more events Codemirror Events

event name description params
change value or instance changes (value: string, cm: Editor) => void
input input (value: string) => void
ready The Codemirror component is mounted (cm: Editor) => void;

Codemirror Events

The following events are official events of Codemirror5. You can refer to the official documents for details Codemirror Event,You can use this component to bind events directly through components, for example:

  :options="{ mode: 'text/x-vue', theme: 'default' }"

All event names are as follows:

  • changes
  • scroll
  • beforeChange
  • cursorActivity
  • keyHandled
  • inputRead
  • electricInput
  • beforeSelectionChange
  • viewportChange
  • swapDoc
  • gutterClick
  • gutterContextMenu
  • focus
  • blur
  • refresh
  • optionChange
  • scrollCursorIntoView
  • update