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A remote monitoring application using Node.js, MongoDB, and Twitter Bootstrap.


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A remote monitoring application using Node.js, MongoDB, and Twitter Bootstrap. Forked from

You can watch a demo screencast on Vimeo.


  • Monitor thousands of websites (powered by Node.js asynchronous programming)
  • Tweak frequency of monitoring on a per-check basis, up to the second
  • Check the presence of a pattern in the response body
  • Receive notifications whenever a check goes down
    • On screen (powered by
    • By email
    • On the console
  • Record availability statistics for further reporting (powered by MongoDB)
  • Detailed uptime reports with animated charts (powered by Flotr2)
  • Monitor availability, responsiveness, average response time, and total uptime/downtime
  • Get details about failed checks (HTTP error code, etc.)
  • Group checks by tags and get reports by tag
  • Familiar web interface (powered by Twitter Bootstrap 2.0)
  • Complete API for integration with third-party monitoring services
  • Powerful plugin system to ease extension and customization
  • Easy installation and zero administration

Installing Uptime

Uptime 3.2 requires Node.js 0.10 and MongoDB 2.1. Older versions provide compatibility with Node 0.8 (Uptime v3.1) and 0.6 (Uptime v1.4).

To install from GitHub, clone the repository and install dependencies using npm and bower:

$ git clone git://
$ cd uptime
$ npm install
$ bower install

Lastly, start the application with:

$ node app

Alternatively, a simple init script is provided. It assumes Uptime is installed to /var/www/uptime. If Uptime is installed in a different directory, the APP_DIR variable needs to be changed to reflect the Uptime's true location. To install this init script, copy uptime from the project's root directory to your system's init script directory (for example /etc/init.d/). Make sure the file is executable (sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/uptime) and owned by root (sudo chown root:root /etc/init.d/uptime). To start the uptime service on every boot, register the service with your particular init system and enable it.

Upgrading From a 2.0 Install

If you have been using uptime 1.0 or 2.0, you have to execute the migration script before using the new release.

$ node models/migrations/upgrade2to3

Adding Checks

By default, the web UI runs on port 8082, so just browse to


And you're ready to begin. Create your first check by entering an URL, wait for the first ping, and you'll soon see data flowing through your charts!


Uptime uses node-config to allow YAML configuration and environment support. Here is the default configuration, taken from config/default.yaml:

url:        'http://localhost:8082'

  server:   localhost
  database: uptime
  user:     root
  connectionString:       # alternative to setting server, database, user and password separately

  name:                   origin
  apiUrl:                 'http://localhost:8082/api' # must be accessible without a proxy
  pollingInterval:        10000      # ten seconds
  timeout:                5000       # five seconds
  userAgent:              NodeUptime/2.0 (

  updateInterval:         60000      # one minute
  qosAggregationInterval: 600000     # ten minutes
  pingHistory:            8035200000 # three months

autoStartMonitor: true

  - ./plugins/console
  - ./plugins/patternMatcher
  - ./plugins/httpOptions
  - ./plugins/basicAuth
  # - ./plugins/email

To modify this configuration, create a development.yaml or a production.yaml file in the same directory, and override just the settings you need. For instance, to run Uptime on port 80 in production, create a production.yaml file as follows:

url: ''

Note that Uptime works great behind a proxy - it uses the http_proxy environment variable transparently.


By default, Uptime uses regular HTTP on the API and monitor server, but it's possible to enable SSL for encrypting the connection to your monitor instance. The settings for this are located in the config/default.yaml file:

  enabled:                true
  certificate:            uptime.crt # path to certificate file
  key:                    uptime.key # path to key file
  selfSigned:             false

You must specify true for the selfSigned option when using a self-signed certificate, otherwise Node.js will throw an "UNABLE_TO_VERIFY_LEAF_NODE" error and will not poll.


Uptime is composed of two services: a webapp (in app.js), and a polling monitor (in monitor.js). For your convenience, the two services start together when you call node app.

However, heavily browsing the webapp may slow down the whole server - including the polling monitor. In other terms, using the application can influence the uptime measurements. To avoid this effect, it is recommended to run the polling monitor in a separate process.

To that extent, set the autoStartMonitor setting to false in the production.yaml, and launch the monitor by hand:

$ node monitor &
$ node app

You can also run the monitor in a different server. This second server must be able to reach the API of the webapp server: set the monitor.apiUrl setting accordingly in the production.yaml file of the monitor server.

Monitoring From Various Locations

You can even run several monitor servers in several datacenters to get average response time. In that case, make sure you set a different setting for all monitor servers to be able to tell which server make a particular ping.

Using Plugins

Plugins can add more notification types, more poller types, new routes to the webapp, etc. Uptime currently bundles three plugins:

  • console: log pings and events in the console in real time
  • email: notify events (up, down pause) by email
  • patternMatcher: allow HTTP & HTTPS pollers to test the response body against a pattern
  • httpOptions: add custom HTTP options and headers to HTTP and HTTPS checks (e.g. to allow self-signed certificate on HTTPS, custom headers, custom HTTP methods, ...)
  • basicAuth: add HTTP Basic Access Authentication to the dashboard and API applications

To enable plugins, just add a line to the plugins: section of the configuration file. Three of the bundled plugins are already enabled by default:

# in config/default.yaml
  - ./plugins/console
  - ./plugins/patternMatcher
  - ./plugins/httpOptions
  # - ./plugins/email
  # - ./plugins/basicAuth

You can override these settings in your environment configuration, for instance:

# in config/production.yaml
# disable the console plugin and enable the email plugin
  # - ./plugins/console
  - ./plugins/patternMatcher
  - ./plugins/httpOptions
  - ./plugins/email
  # - ./plugins/basicAuth

Third-party plugins:

  • webhooks: notify events to an URL by sending an HTTP POST request
  • campfire: notify events to Campfire
  • pushover: notify events to mobile devices
  • sns: notify events to AWS SNS

Writing Plugins

A plugin is a simple Node.js module which hooks into predefined extension points. Uptime automatically requires plugin modules when starting the webapp and the monitor, and tries to call the two following functions:

  • initWebApp(options) when starting the webapp
  • initMonitor(options) when starting the monitor

Check the app.js and monitor.js to see a detail of the options passed to each hook. Also, check the code of existing plugins to understand how they can add new pollers, new notification types, etc.

For instance, if you had to recreate a simple version of the console plugin, you could write it as follows:

// in plugins/console/index.js
var CheckEvent = require('../../models/checkEvent');
exports.initWebapp = function() {
  CheckEvent.on('afterInsert', function(checkEvent) {
    checkEvent.findCheck(function(err, check) {
      console.log(new Date() + + checkEvent.isGoDown ? ' goes down' : ' goes back up');

All Uptime entities emit lifecycle events that you can listen to on the Model class. These events are beforeInsert, afterInsert, beforeUpdate, afterUpdate, beforeSave (called for both inserts and updates), afterSave (called for both inserts and updates), beforeRemove, and afterRemove. For more information about these events, check the mongoose-lifecycle plugin.


All API requests should be prefixed with api. The API response always uses the application/json mimetype. API requests do not require authentication.

Example of a valid API request:


Example for a valid API request using curl :

curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" -X PUT -d "name=example" -d "url=" -d "interval=120"

Status codes

The API is designed to return different status codes :

  • 200 Ok : The request was successful, the resource(s) itself is returned as JSON
  • 400 Bad Request : An attribute of the API request is invalid or missing (e.g. the url of a check is missing)
  • 404 Not Found : A resource could not be accessed (e.g. a check ID could not be found)
  • 500 Server Error : Something went wrong on the server side (e.g. a check could not be saved in database)

CRUD routes

GET /checks

Return a list of all checks

GET /checks/needingPoll

Return a list of checks that need a poll (i.e. not paused, plus new or last tested > interval set between tests)

GET /checks/:id?apikey=xxxxx

Return a single check

Parameter :

  • id : (required) Id of the check

Ex: http://localhost:8082/api/checks/527a25bdc9de6e0000000004?apikey=xxxxx

GET /checks/:id/pause

Toggle the status (isPaused) of a check

Parameter :

  • id : (required) Id of the check

Ex: http://localhost:8082/api/checks/527a25bdc9de6e0000000004/pause?apikey=xxxxx

PUT /check/:id/test

Updates the last checked date for a check. Used to avoid double check when a target is slow. Return the number of affected records in the database (1 or 0).

Parameter :

  • id : (required) Id of the check

Ex: http://localhost:8082/api/checks/527a25bdc9de6e0000000004/test?apikey=xxxxx

GET /pings

Return a list of all pings

Parameters :

  • ?page=1 : (optional) Paginate results by 50
  • ?check=:id : (optional) Return only the pings for a given check

Ex: http://localhost:8082/api/pings?check=527a25bdc9de6e0000000004?apikey=xxxxx

GET /pings/events?apikey=xxxxx

Return a list of events (CheckEvent) aggregated by day, limited to the latest week, and to 100 results

POST /pings?apikey=xxxxx

Create a ping for a check, if the check exists and is not already polled

Parameters :

  • checkId : (required) Id of the check
  • status : (required) Status
  • timestamp : (optional) Date of polling
  • time : (required) Response time
  • name : (optional) Monitor name
  • error : (optional)
  • details : (optional)

GET /tags?apikey=xxxxx

Return list of all tags

GET /tags/:name?apikey=xxxxx

Return a single tag

Parameter :

  • name : (required) name of the tag

Ex: http://localhost:8082/tags/good?apikey=xxxxx

DELETE /tags/:name?apikey=xxxxx

Return a tag

Parameter :

  • name : (required) name of the tag

POST /checks?apikey=xxxxx

Create a new check and return it

Parameters :

  • url : (required) Url of the check
  • name : (optional) Name of the check - if empty, url will be set as check name
  • interval : (optional) Interval of polling
  • maxTime : (optional) Slow threshold
  • isPaused : (optional) Status of polling
  • alertThreshold : (optional) set the threshold of failed pings that will create an alert
  • tags : (optional) list of tags (comma-separated values)
  • type : (optional) type of check (auto|http|https|udp)

PUT /checks/:id?apikey=xxxxx

Update a check and return it

Parameters :

  • id : (required) Id of the check
  • url : (optional) Url of the check
  • name : (optional) Name of the check - if empty, url will be set as check name
  • interval : (optional) Interval of polling
  • maxTime : (optional) Slow threshold
  • isPaused : (optional) Status of polling
  • alertThreshold : (optional) set the threshold of failed pings that will create an alert
  • tags : (optional) list of tags (comma-separated values)
  • type : (optional) type of check - values : auto|http|https|udp

Ex: http://localhost:8082/api/checks/527a25bdc9de6e0000000004

DELETE /checks/:id?apikey=xxxxx

Delete a check

Parameters :

  • id : (required) Id of the check

Ex: http://localhost:8082/api/checks/527a25bdc9de6e0000000004?apikey=xxxxx

Statistics routes

GET /checks/:id/stat/:period/:timestamp?apikey=xxxxx

Return check stats for a period

Parameters :

  • id : (required) Id of the check
  • period : (required) Period - values : hour|day|month|year
  • timestamp : (required) Start date (timestamp)

Ex: http://localhost:8082/api/checks/527a25bdc9de6e0000000004/stat/day/1383260400000?apikey=xxxxx

GET /checks/:id/stats/:type?apikey=xxxxx

Return check stats for a period

Parameters :

  • id : (required) Id of the check
  • type : (required) Period - values : hour|day|month|year
  • ?begin= : (required) Start date (timestamp)
  • ?end= : (required) End date (timestamp)

Ex: http://localhost:8082/api/checks/527a25bdc9de6e0000000004/stats/month?begin=1383260400000&end=1385852399999?apikey=xxxxx

GET /tags/:name/checks/:period/:timestamp?apikey=xxxxx

Return tag stats for a period, joined by checks

Parameters :

  • name : (required) Name of the tag
  • period : (required) Period - values : hour|day|month|year
  • timestamp : (required) Start date (timestamp)

Ex: http://localhost:8082/api/tags/good/checks/month/1384816432099?apikey=xxxxx

GET /tags/:name/stat/:period/:timestamp?apikey=xxxxx

Return tag stats for a period

Parameters :

  • name : (required) Name of the tag
  • period : (required) Period - values : hour|day|month|year
  • timestamp : (required) Start date (timestamp)

Ex: http://localhost:8082/api/tags/good/stat/month/1383260400000?apikey=xxxxx

GET /tags/:name/stats/:type?apikey=xxxxx

Return tag stats for a period

Parameters :

  • name : (required) Name of the tag
  • type : (required) Period - values : day|month|year
  • ?begin= : (required) Start date (timestamp)
  • ?end= : (required) End date (timestamp)

Ex: http://localhost:8082/api/tags/good/stats/month?begin=1383260400000&end=1385852399999?apikey=xxxxx

Event routes

GET /checks/:id/events?apikey=xxxxx

Return the list of all events for the check

Parameter :

  • id : (required) Id of the check

Ex: http://localhost:8082/api/checks/527a25bdc9de6e0000000004/events?apikey=xxxxx

GET /tags/:name/events?apikey=xxxxx

Return the list of all events associated to the tag

Parameter :

  • name : (required) Name of the tag
  • ?begin= : (optional) Start date (timestamp)
  • ?end= : (optional) End date (timestamp)

Ex: http://localhost:8082/api/tags/good/events?begin=1383260400000&end=1385852399999?apikey=xxxxx

Support and Discussion

Join the node-uptime Google Group to discuss features, bugs and use cases related to Uptime.


The Uptime code is free to use and distribute, under the MIT license.

Uptime uses third-party libraries:

If you like the software, please help improving it by contributing PRs on the GitHub project!


  • Account for scheduled maintenance (and provide two QoS calculations: with and without scheduled maintenance)
  • Allow for JavaScript execution in the monitored resources by using a headless browser (probably zombie.js)
  • Unit tests


A remote monitoring application using Node.js, MongoDB, and Twitter Bootstrap.








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  • JavaScript 91.5%
  • CSS 8.2%
  • Other 0.3%