These are my personnal dotfiles for my desktop PC which is running on Debian stretch and is using i3wm.
Graphical environment
i3wm: tiling window manager
- i3-gaps-next: i3wm with more features (like gaps)
- yabar: status bar
- rofi: program launcher
- themer: colorscheme generator and manager
- custom i3lock screen
lightdm: display manager
- lightdm-webkit2-greeter
- lightdm-webkit-theme-material-git
dunst: notification system
- GTK style
Console environment
termite: terminal emulator
zsh: command-line shell
- oh-my-zsh: theme and plugins
- zsh-completions: additional completion definitions
- zsh-syntax-highlighting: fish-like syntax highlighting
- z script: easy way to go to most frequent directories
vim: text editor
- tex-pdf: tex-to-pdf
- language tool: grammar checker
- ctrlp: fuzzy file/buffer/tag/... finder
- delimite mate: auto-completion for quotes, parens, brackets, ...
- gundo: undo tree visualizer
- nerdtree: tree explorer
- supertab: use of tab for completion
- syntastic: syntax checking
- tabular: text alignment
- tagbar: displays tags
- ultisnips: snippet manager
- vim-commentary: comment code easily
- vim-easymotion: better vim motion
- vim-instant-markdown: instant markdown preview
- vim-pencil: better way to write articles
- vim-snippets: multiple snippets in different languages
tmux: terminal multiplexer
- tmuxinator: manage tmux sessions
firefox: web brower
- tab groups: enable panorama feature (disabled since Firefox 45)
- grammalecte: French grammar checker
- HTTPS-Everywhere: enable HTTPS automatically
- arc theme
thunderbird: email client
weechat: irc client
- sidebar with list of buffers
- get equivalent for ULRs
- send notifications on hl, private message, ...
Laptop specific
- xf86-input-mtrack: trackpad config
- netctl: manage network connections (used mostly for wifi)
- lm-sensors: tools and drivers to monitor hardware
- i7z: cpu monitor tool
- tlp / powertop: power manager
- mbpfan / macfanctld: control fan speed
- thermald: control cpu's temperature
- cpupower: control power saving related to the processor
- archlinux wiki: power management
- alsa / pulseaudio: sound system
- ranger / thunar: file manager
- sxiv / feh: image viewer
- vlc / smplayer: video player
- zathura: pdf viewer
- libreoffice: office suite
- keepass: password manager
- transmission: bittorent client
- udiskie: automatic disk mounting
- xfluxd: adjust the color temperature of the screen
schreibtisch: Intel Core i5-3750 @ 3.4GHz, 24GB RAM, OS@128GB SSD, home@1TB HDD, data@2TB HDD
- Dell U @1920x1080
- Dell U @1920x1080