The RGB Project is a completely free, open-source, non-profit and community-oriented effort aimed at the development of standards and best practices to issue, transmit and store digital assets issued in LNP/BP networks.
Basic information about the project can be provided by the developers in the RGB Telegram Group.
RGB is a based on a suite of LNP/BP standards, defined and being developed in the repository. The current version of the specification is outdated; it will be replaced with the new one once the required set of the underlying standards is completed.
The present parts of the RGB project under development include:
- LNPBPs: aforementioned set of core standards
- rust-lnpbp: core LNP/BP library implementing LNPBPS written in Rust
- lbx: command-line tool for performing basic operations (commitments etc) defined in LNP/BP standards; based on the rust-lnpbp library
- rust-rgb: library implementing wallet- and asset-specific functionality on top of generic client-validated state paradigm
- Kaleidoscope: reference command-line wallet for Bitcoin and RGB protocols
- Bifrost: server for storing client-validated data blobs. On hold.
In this repository you can browse the most recent version under this develop branch, which existed before it was split into the impending layered LNP/BP standards. You can also check a history of RGB development in the branches of the current repo:
- rgb-v0.4 branch – original specification created in 2018 by Alekos Fillini, Giacomo Zucco and contributors
- rgb-v0.5 branch – finalization on the original specification performed in the mid 2019 by Maxim Orlovsky
- Seals layer – a framework defining distributed state management mechanics used by RGB to issue and account issued assets on top of LNP/BP suite.
- LightningNetwork – implementation of OpenSeals for Lightning Network channels
- Wire protocol – wire protocol for OpenSeals P2P node communications
- RGB – digital asset issuing and management based on OpenSeals framework
- Spectrum – Lightning Network extension for asset liquidity provisioning (DEX)
- ConfidentialAssets – confidential assets interoperability
Donations are welcome: 1RGB1TAg6xrUJmvWQqc5Q1SmjdLSCzdnu
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.