Exploring smart contracts and ERC20 tokens using:
Solidity, web3.js, Geth (go-eth), truffle framework, ganache GUI/CLI and classic ES6 JavaScript
This repo has a variety of example smart contracts, including extremely basic to moderately advanced deployable voting contracts, a hello world example and a multisig wallet transactor.
contains a classic helloWorld solidity file in solidity 0.4.x and basic multiSig wallet in 0.5.x
also contains an example of contract inheritence (similar to extending a class)
contains examples / basic files for creating an ERC20 Token with explanations.
contains Voter.sol voting contract written using solidity 0.5.x
Shows typical structure of a truffle framework project using Voter.sol example as well
contains unit testing, truffle config, deployment logic, interaction logic
and the above mentioned voter contract.
this folder uses the same code found in the voterDeployWeb3Ex folder but
slightly modified for running with truffle and ganache.
this folder contains an unboxed example from truffle.
this folder contains a crowdfunding contract to run the contents of this folder first install dependencies by running 'npm install' in the project directory.
this folder builds off the advancedSmartContractEx folder example of a crowdfunding contract and couples it with a React frontend using create-react-app, React, React Router & Semantic UI CSS library.