This repo contains all scripts to prepare an OpenShift 4 cluster to run Demo 4. If you do not have a running OCP4 cluster, you can use these instructions to provision one in a nominated AWS account.
Create a .env
file with all the required environment variables. An example env file .env.example is included.
cp .env.example .env
Test that you can login to the server with
make oc_login
Just create a sub directory, add a shell script and resource files and execute them via the Makefile.
Note that the commands in a Makefile
have to be indented by tabs.
Also add a short description to this
To install all Knative components (build, serving, and eventing) and its required Istio, run
make install_knative
For the most part, it should be idempotent, i.e. it won't install OLM or Istio if their respective namespaces already exist. It will re-apply the knative operator resources, but as long as they haven't changed, OLM shouldn't care.
To deploy datagrid to the datagrid-demo
make datagrid
The Apache Kafka related deployment is made by:
- The Strimzi operators, starting from the Cluster operator to the Topic and User operators
- The Apache Kafka cluster deployment (alongside with a Zookeeper cluster)
- The console server component and the related AMQ Streams Topic Web UI
- The monitoring infrastructure made by Prometheus, the related alert manager and Grafana with Kafka and Zookeeper dashboards
To deploy the Apache Kafka infrastructure:
make kafka
To configure an admin password, set the ADMIN_PASSWORD
in the .env
To configure the training application, set the appropriate s3 environment variables
for your s3 bucket as shown in the .env.example
. Leaving the s3 variables
will run the frontend without saving the training data to s3.
make frontend
To install all Syndesis components, run:
make syndesis
To install all Camel K components, run:
make camel-k
To create an ODH Developer Catalog entry and install the ODH operator in the namespace "opendatahub" run:
make opendatahub
If you want Open Data Hub to show up in the Developer Catalog for additional (or all) namespaces, you need to modify the file opendatahub/opendatahub-operator.operatorgroup.yaml to include each namespace you want it to appear in (or for all namespaces, remove the .spec dictionary from the yaml)
NOTE: Deploying from the catalog will only work in the opendatahub namespace since the operator will already be deployed
To demonstrate OptaPlanner with the dashboard and admin screens with a smaller resource requirement, we can skip several portions of the demo. Using the environment file similar to the following:
# oc_login
# Datagrid
# OptaPlanner
# Frontend
Then execute the make instructions ton install the required components (datagrid, optaplanner, and frontend):
make datagrid optaplanner frontend
After deployment and all pods are up and running, you should be able to interact with the demo:
Dashboard UI: http://dashboard-web-game-demo.cluster-host
Admin UI: http://admin-web-game-demo.cluster-host (blank password unless ADMIN_PASSWORD
was set in the .env file)
In the Admin UI, you can access the OptaPlanner functionality in the OptaPlanner
section including play/pause the game, damage simulation, and add/remove/pause/unpause mechanics.