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WDL Package specification draft-1

Archive format


WDL packages are stored in UNIX Standard tar format (UStar).

This imposes (among others) the following restrictions on included files:

  • Filenames must be ASCII-encoded
  • Filenames in the archive can be a maximum of 255 characters long.

WDL package specific restrictions

WDL package files must be able to build reproducibly and work across multiple platforms. Therefore the following restrictions apply.

  • Individual members of the tar file must be packaged in order of the filename inside the tar file. Ordering is done by comparing the ASCII value of the characters.
  • Only normal files are allowed. Links must be dereferenced.
  • Required values for UStar fields in the table below
field value
file mode 0644 (-rw-r--r--)
uid 0
gid 0
link indicator 0 (normal file)
type flag 0 (normal file)
owner user name NULL (empty string)
owner group name NULL (empty string)
device major number 0
device minor number 0


The USTAR package may be compressed with the following compression algorithms

  • None, uncompressed using the .tar extension.
  • DEFLATE, using a gzip container and using the .tar.gzextension.
  • LZMA2, using a xz container and using the .tar.xz extension.

The above algorithms and file extensions must be supported. Other algorithms and extensions must not be supported.


The manifest

Each WDL Package file must contain a file called MANIFEST.json at the root level of the archive directory. Hereafter called "the manifest". The manifest contains a single dictionary with the following fields:

Field name field type required Description
wdl_package_spec_version String yes The version of the WDL package specification that this package adhers too.
name String yes The name of this package.
version String yes The version of the packaged WDL contents.
license_file String yes The path in the archive where the license for the package contents is stored.
license_id String yes A SPDX License identifier. In case the License does not have a SPDX identifier this field must be present too and set to NULL.
main_workflow_url String no The main workflow URL when the wdl package contains a workflow. Not required since packages can also be used to distribute tasks.
additional_files Array[String] no Additional files shipped in the package, such as READMEs, examples, settings files etc.


The version must follow the Semantic Versioning version 2 specification. Package repositories must reject packages that do not have a semantic version number.

Package repositories may only allow one of each name and version combination. An exception is made for versions with the -SNAPSHOT prerelease version. These may override earlier versions.


Filenames such as in license_file, main_workflow_url and additional_files must use the UNIX-style forward slash (/) as a directory separator.

License file

A License file is required to let users know what they can and cannot do with the contents of the package. The filename is not fixed, but the path must be specified in the manifest.

Additional files

Non-WDL files may also be shipped with the package. All additional files must be listed in the manifest.

WDL Files

Reproducibility of imports

In order to ensure reproducibility import statements in the WDL files must be able to guarantee that always the exact same file is imported.

This is the case for:

  • File imports that reference other files in the package.
  • Versioned package imports from a WDL package repository.

In any other case the packaging utility must choose one of the following actions:

  • Fail with an error message
  • Retrieve the import as it is now and include it in the package, rewriting the import statement in the importing file to refer to the included file. This option may only be chosen after explicit user consent. (For example by prompt or a command line flag.)


WDL Package Specification drafts






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