IsabelaFunctions, as the name suggests, contains the functions I developed for my Master's project, as well as functions implemented for further analysis and visualization of the Martian magnetic field environment.
IsabelaFunctions requires Python version 3.6 or higher.
Some functions might require certain packages to be installed. You can find all of the required packages' names in 'environment.yml'.
To download the package, clone the project to create a local working copy:
$ git clone
To install the package, enter the top-level folder 'IsabelaFunctions' in a terminal, and do:
$ pip install -e .
Read the documentation for each function. The functions are classified in six main groups, according to their purpose:
Reads IDL-generated files, e.g., files created in CCATi.
Useful for the visualization of maps.
Computes the crustal magnetic field components from Langlais' spherical harmonic model at a certain altitude.
Functions useful for the shifting technique/investigation of the advection of the crustal magnetic field.
Computes different types of fits/regression for the data.
Useful for the analysis and visualization of individual datapoints.