This library wraps the PHP libsodium cryptographic functions into an object-orientated api, allowing a simple and safe usage.
This library provides:
- symmetric and asymmetric authenticated en/decryption of messages and files using XSalsa20
- cryptographic secure key and keypair generation
- Diffie Hellman key-exchange for keypairs using Curve25519 (X25519)
- ex/import of keys and ciphertexts with support for most common encodings
composer require ricwein/crypto
All classes uses the root-namespace ricwein\Crypto
. All thrown Exceptions extend from ricwein\Crypto\Exceptions\Exception
Symmetric cryptography uses a secret (key) to encrypt a given message to a ciphertext, and the same secret to decrypt the ciphertext to the original message again.
use ricwein\Crypto\Symmetric\Crypto;
use ricwein\Crypto\Symmetric\Key;
use ricwein\Crypto\Exceptions\Exception as CryptoException;
try {
$message = 'asecretmessage';
$key = Key::generate();
// actual encryption
$ciphertext = (new Crypto($key))->encrypt($message);
// now we can use the resulting key and ciphertext, e.g. safe them to the filesystem
file_put_contents(__DIR__ . '/key', $key->getKey());
file_put_contents(__DIR__ . '/message', $ciphertext->getString());
} catch (CryptoException $e) {
// something went wrong
use ricwein\Crypto\Ciphertext;
use ricwein\Crypto\Symmetric\Crypto;
use ricwein\Crypto\Symmetric\Key;
use ricwein\Crypto\Exceptions\Exception as CryptoException;
use ricwein\Crypto\Exceptions\MacMismatchException;
try {
$ciphertext = Ciphertext::fromString(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/message'));
$key = Key::load(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/key'));
// actual decryption
$plaintext = (new Crypto($key))->decrypt($ciphertext);
} catch (MacMismatchException $e) {
// unable to decrypt message, invalid HMAC
} catch (CryptoException $e) {
// something else went wrong
Asymmetric Crypto uses keypairs out of a public, and a private key to encrypt and sign messages.
sending: Usually a Message is encrypted with the public-key of the receiver, and signed with the private-key of the sender.
receiving: The receiver is than able to verify the message-signature ((H)MAC) with the public-key of the sender and can decrypt it with its own private-key.
The following example uses two keypairs (alice and bob) with known private-keys in the same code-scope. This is just done for comprehensibility. In real-world cases on side only knowns it's own private-key (public is not required) and the public-key of the other participant.
use ricwein\Crypto\Asymmetric\Crypto;
use ricwein\Crypto\Asymmetric\KeyPair;
use ricwein\Crypto\Exceptions\Exception as CryptoException;
try {
$message = 'asecretmessage';
$keyAlice = KeyPair::generate();
$keyBob = KeyPair::generate();
// send message from alice to bob
$ciphertext = (new Crypto($keyAlice))->encrypt($message, $keyBob->getKey(KeyPair::PUB_KEY));
// it's enough to store the private-keys of our keypairs, public-keys can be derived later if required
file_put_contents(__DIR__ . '/alice.key', $keyAlice->getKey(KeyPair::PRIV_KEY));
file_put_contents(__DIR__ . '/bob.key', $keyBob->getKey(KeyPair::PRIV_KEY));
file_put_contents(__DIR__ . '/message', $ciphertext->getString());
} catch (CryptoException $e) {
// something went wrong
use ricwein\Crypto\Ciphertext;
use ricwein\Crypto\Asymmetric\Crypto;
use ricwein\Crypto\Asymmetric\KeyPair;
use ricwein\Crypto\Exceptions\Exception as CryptoException;
use ricwein\Crypto\Exceptions\MacMismatchException;
try {
$keyAlice = KeyPair::load([
KeyPair::PRIV_KEY => file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/alice.key')
$keyBob = KeyPair::load([
KeyPair::PRIV_KEY => file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/bob.key')
$ciphertext = Ciphertext::fromString(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/message'));
// verify and decrypt the ciphertext
// it's enough to pass alice keypair with only a private key here,
// the public key will be dynamically derived to verify the ciphertexts HMAC
// BUT you can also directly pass alice public-key
$plaintext = (new Crypto($keyBob))->decrypt($ciphertext, $keyAlice);
} catch (MacMismatchException $e) {
// unable to decrypt message, invalid HMAC for alice
} catch (CryptoException $e) {
// something else went wrong
Key-ex/import and ciphertext ex/import supports four types of encoding, provided by ricwein\Crypto\Encoding
This library also provides RAM-friendly file-en/decrypting using stream-encryption. To use the integrated file-crypto, the ricwein/filesystem
library is required. It can be installed with:
composer require ricwein/filesystem
The usage is the same as the sym/asymmetric en/decryption methods, but instead of encrypting strings into ciphertexts-objects, a File will be encrypted, returning a new File-Object.
Most times it's useful to encrypt a file and replace its plaintext with the new ciphertext. It should be noted, that this library creates a temp-file in this case, encrypts the sourcefile into the new temp-file, and replaces the source afterwards with the temp-file.
All file-crypto methods support custom destination storages, which can be provided as the last parameter in encryptFile()
and decryptFile()
. If a storage is given, the previously described encryption through a temp-file is skipped.
use ricwein\Crypto\Symmetric\Crypto;
use ricwein\Crypto\Symmetric\Key;
use ricwein\Crypto\Exceptions\Exception as CryptoException;
use ricwein\FileSystem\Exceptions\Exception as FileException;
use ricwein\FileSystem\File;
use ricwein\FileSystem\Storage;
try {
$file = new File(new Storage\Disk(__DIR__, 'file.txt'));
$key = Key::generate();
// actual encryption
$encryptedFile = (new Crypto($key))->encryptFile($file);
file_put_contents(__DIR__ . '/key', $key->getKey());
} catch (FileException $e) {
// unable to open, read or write the file
} catch (CryptoException $e) {
// something went wrong
use ricwein\Crypto\Symmetric\Crypto;
use ricwein\Crypto\Symmetric\Key;
use ricwein\Crypto\Exceptions\Exception as CryptoException;
use ricwein\Crypto\Exceptions\MacMismatchException;
use ricwein\FileSystem\Exceptions\Exception as FileException;
use ricwein\FileSystem\File;
use ricwein\FileSystem\Storage;
try {
$encryptedFile = new File(new Storage\Disk(__DIR__, 'file.txt'));
$key = Key::load(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/key'));
// actual decryption
$file = (new Crypto($key))->decryptFile($encryptedFile);
} catch (MacMismatchException $e) {
// unable to decrypt message, invalid HMAC
} catch (FileException $e) {
// unable to open, read or write the file
} catch (CryptoException $e) {
// something else went wrong
The following example uses two keypairs (alice and bob) with known private-keys in the same code-scope. This is just done for comprehensibility. In real-world cases, one side only knows its own private-key (public is not required) and the public-key of the other participant.
use ricwein\Crypto\Asymmetric\Crypto;
use ricwein\Crypto\Asymmetric\KeyPair;
use ricwein\Crypto\Exceptions\Exception as CryptoException;
use ricwein\FileSystem\Exceptions\Exception as FileException;
use ricwein\FileSystem\File;
use ricwein\FileSystem\Storage;
try {
$file = new File(new Storage\Disk(__DIR__, 'file.txt'));
$keyAlice = KeyPair::generate();
$keyBob = KeyPair::generate();
$plainTextFile = new File(new Storage\Disk(__DIR__, 'file.txt'));
// send message from alice to bob
$encryptedFile = (new Crypto($keyAlice))->encryptFile($plainTextFile, null, $keyBob);
// it's enough to store the private-keys of our keypairs, public-keys can be derived later if required
file_put_contents(__DIR__ . '/alice.key', $keyAlice->getKey(KeyPair::PRIV_KEY));
file_put_contents(__DIR__ . '/bob.key', $keyBob->getKey(KeyPair::PRIV_KEY));
} catch (FileException $e) {
// unable to open, read or write the file
} catch (CryptoException $e) {
// something went wrong
use ricwein\Crypto\Asymmetric\Crypto;
use ricwein\Crypto\Asymmetric\KeyPair;
use ricwein\Crypto\Exceptions\Exception as CryptoException;
use ricwein\Crypto\Exceptions\MacMismatchException;
use ricwein\FileSystem\Exceptions\Exception as FileException;
use ricwein\FileSystem\File;
use ricwein\FileSystem\Storage;
try {
$keyAlice = KeyPair::load([
KeyPair::PRIV_KEY => file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/alice.key')
$keyBob = KeyPair::load([
KeyPair::PRIV_KEY => file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/bob.key')
$encryptedFile = new File(new Storage\Disk(__DIR__, 'file.txt'));
$file = (new Crypto($keyBob))->decryptFile($encryptedFile, null, $keyAlice);
} catch (MacMismatchException $e) {
// unable to decrypt message, invalid HMAC for alice
} catch (FileException $e) {
// unable to open, read or write the file
} catch (CryptoException $e) {
// something else went wrong