DivvyCloud enforces security, compliance, and governance policy in your cloud and container based infrastructure.
Below you will find steps on how to deploy DivvyCloud to a Kubernetes cluster.
The values.yaml file located in the divvycloud/ directory allows you to configure your deployment. Please see the comments in the values.yaml for further documentation.
This helm chart uses the k8s Application resource type. Please ensure you run the make crd/install prior to installing DivvyCloud
Clone down this repository and use the following make commands:
* make crd/install to install the application CRD on the cluster. This needs to be done only once.
* make app/install to build all the container images and deploy the app to a target namespace on the cluster.
* make app/uninstall to delete the deployed app.
By default DivvyCloud is only accessible from inside the kube cluster. As a result we must setup a port forward
kubectl port-forward svc/divvycloud-interfaceserver 8001
Next open http://localhost:8001/ in your web browser
MySQL dump and the MySQL client are used to backlup and restore a DivvyCloud database First you need to get the IP address of the mysql service in your k8s deployment
MYSQL_IP=$(kubectl get \
--namespace default \
svc divvycloud-mysql\
-o jsonpath='{.spec.clusterIP})
Next use the username and password
kubectl get secret divvycloud-secret -o jsonpath={'.data.DIVVY_MYSQL_USER'} | base64 -D
kubectl get secret divvycloud-secret -o jsonpath={'.data.DIVVY_MYSQL_PASSWORD'} | base64 -D
Finally to backup a database:
mysqldump -u [MYSQL_USER] -p -h [MYSQL_IP] divvy > divvy.sql
mysqldump -u [MYSQL_USER] -p -h [MYSQL_IP] divvykeys > divvykeys.sql
To restore a database:
mysql -u [MYSQL_USER] -p -h [MYSQL_IP] divvy < divvy.sql
mysql -u [MYSQL_USER] -p -h [MYSQL_IP] divvykeys < divvykeys.sql
Simply restart all containers , the latest image will pull automatically. Upgrade of database occures on boot. Please backup your database prior to upgrading