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  • Sibilant is a language that is parsed by javascript and compiles to javascript.
  • Sibilant is inspired by lisp and follows many lisp conventions, although it is still relatively close to the underlying javascript.
  • Macros can be defined in sibilant and included at compile time.
  • Sibilant is entirely written in sibilant and can recompile itself (making it a quine).

Language Priorities

  • Prefer verbose names to abbreviations by default.
  • Avoid line noise. Prefer established punctuation semantics from natural languages and common programming languages (eg commas come after things and mean a pause or separation).
  • Prefer readable and idiomatic javascript output, which necessitates sticking fairly closely to javascript semantics. Switching cost from sibilant to javascript should be low.
  • Prefer expressions to statements. This is the most notable exception to the adherance to idiomatic javascript. Self-executing functions are used extensively to this end.
  • Allow as much of the language to be modified in-source as possible. This includes the ability to rename/remove/redefine all keywords and macros.
  • Any language constructs that do not output readable javascript should be opt-in.
  • Add language features slowly, and only when there’s a real use case. Don’t blindly implement Lisp features without reasoning through the need.
  • Provide tools to simplify avoidance of repetition.

Try it before you install includes an in-browser as-you-type sibilant compiler and tutorial, so you can get a sense of the language without leaving your browser.


First, install node.js [ github ] and npm [ github ].

$ npm install sibilant


-v / --version         Print out a version string and exit

-h / --help            This message

--repl / [no args]     Sibilant interactive command prompt

--execute / -x         This is a flag. Execute input files in order supplied.

--eval [optional STRING] / -e [optional STRING]
                       Evaluate STR if provided, otherwise evaluate standard in.

--output DIR / -o DIR  Output input files to this dir, replacing .sibilant with .js.

--input FILE / -i FILE / FILE
                       Add this file to the input files. If the execute flag is
                       set, input files will be executed.  If an output dir is
                       specified, each file will be written to that dir.
                       Otherwise, each file will be written to STDOUT.

To pass arguments to an executed file, append them after a "--", as follows:
$ sibilant -x myfile.sibilant -- --arg-for-my-program=stuff

myfile.sibilant will see process.argv as
[ 'sibilant', 'myfile.sibilant', '--arg-for-my-program=stuff' ]

CLI Examples

To compile sibilant

$ git clone git://
$ cd sibilant
$ npm link .
$ sibilant src/*.sibilant -o lib
$ sibilant -x test/test.sibilant # you're now running a sibilant you just compiled.

To compile one file to stdout

$ sibilant test/test.sibilant

To compile a file to a directory

$ sibilant test/test.sibilant -o . # put test.js here or $ sibilant --input test/test.sibilant --output .

To run a file

$ sibilant -x test/test.sibilant

To enter the repl

$ sibilant or $ sibilant --repl

Learning the language and examples

The most up to date documentation will always be which includes an as-you-type in-browser sibilant compiler.
Check out sibilant itself, which is written 100% in sibilant to get a sense of what’s possible.
Also, check out macros.sibilant to see how easy it is to write new compiler macros.

How to get involved or learn more

Send a blank email to [email protected] to join the mailing list.
Add any bugs or feature requests to the issues page or email the list.
Happy hacking, have fun!


Sibilant is released under the MIT license (wikipedia).