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Postgresql Ldap Sync


With this Application, you can provide automatic ldap sync to your postgresql architectures installed on operating systems such as RedHat, Centos, Rocky linux, Oracle Linux.

How to use

  • Configurable per YAML config file
  • Can use Active Directory as LDAP-Server
  • Nested groups/roles supported
  • Set scope of considered users/groups on LDAP and PG side
  • Test mode which doesn't do any changes to the DBMS
  • Both LDAP and PG connections can be secured by SSL/TLS


  • Ruby-2.0+, JRuby-1.2+
  • LDAP-v3 server
  • PostgreSQL-server v9.0+
  • Oracle-Linux/Centos/Rhel/RockyLinux


  $ yum install -y ruby rubygem-rake rubygems ruby-devel openldap-clients git wget tar curl make  rubygem-bigdecimal.x86_64 redhat-rpm-config libpq-devel.x86_64 gcc nano
$ git clone
$ cd Postgresql-ldap-sync
$ gem install bundler
$ bundle install
$ bundle exec rake install
$ gem install json
$ which pg_ldap_sync


We add roles for groups and users in Postgresql.

 $ sudo -su postgres psql
 $ create role ldap_users;
 $ create role ldap_groups;


Create a config file based on config/pg-ldap-sync-config.yaml

Run in test-mode:

  $ pg_ldap_sync -c my_config.yaml -vv -t

Run in modify-mode:

  $ pg_ldap_sync -c my_config.yaml -vv


Check whether the users taken from the active directory are written to Postgresql. If users appear in roles when you run the below command, they have been successfully added.

$ sudo -su postgres psql

Ldap Test

$ ldapsearch -x -h ad-host-ip -D "[email protected]" -W "(sAMAccountName=*)" -b "OU=pgusers,OU=Service_Users,OU=organization-unit,DC=domain,DC=local"  | grep    sAMAccountName

Ldap Example

#filter: (sAMAccountName=*) sAMAccountName: user1 sAMAccountName: user2


Postgresql pg_hba.conf add ldap sync parameters

$ nano /var/lib/pgsql/13/data/pg_hba.conf

host all all ldap ldapserver=domain-host ldapport=389 ldapprefix="" ldapsuffix="@domain.local" ldapscheme=ldap

$ systemctl restart postgresql-14

Now we are setting the user that will create the roles and authorizations between postgresql' and AD from the users we have added to the database.

  $ sudo -su postgres psql
$ create role "user1" superuser createdb createrole;

If we are going to create a user from existing ones, we are changing its authority

$ alter role "user1" superuser createdb createrole;

We will authorize the pggroup we created via AD to postgres.

$ drop role pggroup;
$ create role pggroup in role ldap_groups;
$ grant CONNECT ON DATABASE postgres to pggroup;

Postgresql Database Ldap Login Control

$ psql -h db-host-ip -U "ldapuser" -d postgres


We need to create a cronjob so that the pg-ldap-sync.yaml file we created can pull the users added to the pggroup via AD in certain periods.

 $ sudo yum -y install crontabs

We specify pg-ldap-sync and its runtime to the crontab.

$ crontab -e