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Command: Unblock

Robert MacLean edited this page May 19, 2020 · 1 revision

Unblock 🔁

The unblock command will unblock or unmute a single person, a group of people (from a file) or everyone you have blocked/muted.

The file option understands the log files produced by other commands, like BlockTrain, so if you produce that file you can use Unblock to undo the changes.


twot unblock [--dryrun] [--target | -t <username>] [--all] [--file | -f <file>] [--unmute] [--log | -l]


twot Unblock [--dryrun] [--target | -t <username>] [--all] [--file | -f <file>] [--unmute] [--log | -l]


twot un [--dryrun] [--target | -t <username>] [--all] [--file | -f <file>] [--unmute] [--log | -l]


  • --target <username> or -t <username> (optional): Specifies a single account to be unblocked/unmuted.
  • --all (optional): Will unblock all accounts already blocked. When paireed with the unmute option, it will unmite all accounts already muted.
  • --file <filename> or -f <filename> (optional): Will unblock/unmute each account in the file.
  • --unmute(optional): Will unmute, rather than unblock, accounts.
  • --log or -l (optional): This option will produce a log file of every account which was impacted by the Unblock command.
  • --dryrun (optional): This option will ensure no actions are actually made to the accounts.

File structure

The file structure for the file option needs to be a text file with each account on a new line. If a line starts with a # it is ignored. If a line has a comma in it, only the content before the comma will be processed. If a line (after the previous two rules have been applied) has a space in it, it will be ignored.

The file structure matches the log files produced by other commands so it makes those log files a handy undo option.


account5, account6
account7, anything else
account 8 

If the above file was provided then action would be take against account1, account3, acccount5, and account7.


Unblock a single account

twot unblock -t account

Unmute a single account

twot un -t account --unmute

Unblock everyone you have previously blocked

twot un --all

Unmute everyone in a file and one additional account

twot un --unmute --file clean.log -t account
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