An online editor and webservice to render UML diagrams with plantuml
npm run server
When deploying to Heroku, make sure to set cfgs:
heroku config:add RAKE_ENV=production
Once pushed to github, heroku pipeline will pick it up and auto-deploy
Before deploy build & uglify js:
npm run build
This repo comes with a Dockerfile to build the image with all dependencies. Just run:
make build
New developement can happen inside the container. To enter, run:
make dev
Which brings up a bash mounted to your local source directory. From here start the server:
bundle exec puma
Run Specs:
Or rubocop:
rubocop -a
To build css & javascript run:
npm install
npm run server
npm run watch
jruby -S gem install --platform=java bundler
jruby -S bundle
- jruby
- graphviz
For development vizard depends on:
- nodejs
- jquery
- jquery localstorage
- browserify
- backbone
- purecss
- main.js
- app.js (to keep global state)
- init rootItem (once)
- init Router (once)
- start routing
- Use jQuery implementation??