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Releases: rocicorp/replicache

v10.0.0: πŸŽ‰ General Availability πŸŽ‰

07 May 01:42
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🌁 Summary

After more than 2 years of development and iteration with customers, we are extremely pleased to share the first General Availability (non-beta) release of Replicache.

This marks the point at which we recommend Replicache for use in production systems.

To install:

npm upgrade replicache-react && npm install [email protected]

Important: Replicache Now Requires a License Key

Getting a key is easy β€” run the command below and follow the prompts.

npx [email protected] get-license

For details on pricing see Commercial Pricing. For details on how the licensing system works, see the Licensing Documentation.

License Change

Together with General Availability, we are moving from the BSL license (a middle ground between open and closed source) to a more traditional closed-source model. This will not affect most users because the npm packages will remain publicly available, containing minified code. Only the availability of the source is changing.

See Replicache Licensing Update for more information.

🎁 Features

  • Introduce the concept of a Release Build and disable some expensive asserts in it (#876)
    • You now need to make sure your build tools substitutes process.env.NODE_ENV to "production"
  • Expose the profileID used for licensing on Replicache and in push/pull requests (#838)
  • Export makeIDBName as a convenience (#883)
  • New Phone, Who Dis? β€” Graceful recovery when server doesn’t recognize client (#335)
  • Enable custom log handling by adding logSinks to [ReplicacheOptions]
  • Export makeScanResult β€” a way to more easily implement scan() server-side (#607)
  • Export watch as experimentalWatch β€” allowing you to only be notified about the exact keys that changed. (#839)
  • Export version const containing Replicache version number (#991)

🧰 Fixes

  • Send errors from subscribe functions to console.log if no onError specified (#862)
  • Recover gracefully from case where a tab gets backgrounded for a long time (weeks), gets frozen, and thus its Replicache state gets GC’d. (#784)
  • Fix spurious subscription re-fire in edge case (#841)
  • Prevent concurrent pulls and persists. This was causing errors in the console such as "Wrong Sync Head". These errors were harmless, but annoying.

⚠️ Breaking Changes

  • The licenseKey parameter to the Replicache constructor is now required. See Licensing Docs for more information.
  • Removed top-level scan, has, isEmpty, get methods from Replicache. These have been deprecates since v8. Please use Replicache.query() instead. (#878729)
  • The entries returned from scan().entries() are now readonly tuples.
  • We now ship code with process.env.NODE_ENV in it. This does not work in a browser out of the box. You need to either define that or ensure your build tools (esbuild, rollup, webpack, parcel) does the correct substitution. (#876)
  • AsyncIterableIteratorToArray is now an interface not a class. This was causing problems with reusing Replicache on the server.

πŸš€Β Performance

  • Scan speed improved about 79% (from ~350 MB/s to ~625 MB/s on our benchmark) in the new release build.

v9.0.0: Realtime Storage

04 Mar 03:12
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Replicache v9 has a rewritten storage system we call Realtime Storage which is must faster than the previous implementation.

For example, the median time to write a Replicache mutation that updates five dependent subscriptions is now ~3ms with up to 64MB of local storage on common hardware.

This performance allows developers to build highly responsive user interfaces that react instantaneously to input.

See the Realtime Storage and Performance sections below for more details.

πŸ’‘ Note
These release notes document changes in Replicache between v8.0.3 - the last stable release - and v9. They are largely duplicative of the v9.0.0-beta.* notes.

🎁 Other Features

  • Replicache is faster, often dramatically so, on every benchmark as compared to v8 (see Performance below).
  • Replicache now has an experimental new poke method. This enables directly programmatically adding data to Replicache without having to go through pull.
  • The mutation type sent to replicache-push now includes a timestamp property, which is the original (client-local) timestamp the mutation occurred at.
  • The size of was reduced 28%, down to ~18kb.

🧰 Fixes

  • Replicache is no longer slow when dev tools is open (#634)

⚠️ Breaking Changes

  • The name parameter is now required. This is used to differentiate Replicache data within the same origin. For security, provide a value that includes a unique ID for the current user. This ensures each user sees and modifies only their own local data. This has always been recommended but is now required. See "Multiple Users" below for more information.
  • The semantics of the clientID changed as compared to when useMemstore was false in v8. See Realtime Storage, below.
  • Removed the pushAuth, getPushAuth, pullAuth, and getPullAuth features. They were deprecated in Replicache 6.4.0 and have been replaced with auth and getAuth.
  • The schemaVersion property of the Replicache class is now read-only. This field was previously mutable, but setting it had no effect.

Realtime Storage

In Replicache v8, there were two storage modes: memory, and persistent, controlled by the useMemstore constructor flag.

In persistent mode (useMemstore=false), each browser profile was a Replicache client, with a single clientID and storage area shared amongst all tabs over the lifetime of the profile. Accessing data directly from IDB is super slow β€” way too slow to back interactive experiences like mouse movement and typing β€” which forced developers to cache this data in memory on top of Replicache. This in turn created complexities keeping the in-memory and persistent state in sync. Additionally sharing a single storage area among many tabs created complexities versioning this storage β€” you can’t change the schema of storage that other tabs are using!

In contrast, in memory mode (useMemstore=true), each unique instance of the Replicache class was its own client, with its own unique clientID and in-memory storage that only lasted the lifetime of that instance (usually a single page load). Being in memory, this mode was much faster and could back mouse movement and keystrokes, but was only suitable for small amounts of data since you wouldn’t want to re-download tons of data on every startup!

Starting in Replicache v9, useMemstore goes away and there is only one unified storage model that mostly combines the best attributes of the old memory mode and persistent mode: it’s as fast (actually faster in most cases β€” see Performance) than the old memory mode, but also persists every few seconds to storage so that data can be reused across instances.

Just like the old memory model, every instance of the Replicache class (again, every individual page load) is its own unique client with its own unique clientID. And conceptually each such client has its own distinct storage area, separate from all other clients.

πŸ’‘ Note
Internally, we heavily deduplicate storage amongst clients, so that in reality each client only stores what is unique to it.

When a new client is instantiated, Replicache forks the storage from some previous instance with the same name and schemaVersion (see schema versioning, below), so that the net effect is almost as if the storage was shared between the two tabs.

Importantly, though, changes in one tab do not show up immediately in other tabs because they don’t completely share storage. When online, it will appear as if storage is shared because changes in one tab will be synced rapidly to other tabs via the server. But when offline, that syncing will stop occurring and the tabs will proceed independently (see offline, below).


A previous headache in persistent mode was versioning the local schema. We could not use the common strategy of migrating the schema on startup since other tabs might be using the storage at that moment. Also, writing migration code is difficult to do correctly and not a task our users reported being excited about.

With each client having its own logical storage, things are far simpler:

  • When you construct Replicache, optionally provide a schemaVersion which is the version of the data understood by the calling application code.
  • When you change the format of the client view in a backward incompatible way, change the schema version.
  • When Replicache forks to create a new storage area, it only forks from previous clients with the same schemaVersion . This does mean that when you change your schema version, clients will have to download a new copy of the data. But this is much more robust than trying to migrate data, and we think it’s the right tradeoff for almost all apps.
  • Other clients that haven’t yet upgraded proceed happily using the old schema in their own storage until they decide to upgrade.
  • Replicache also includes the schemaVersion in replicache-push and replicache-pull so that the server can respond appropriately.

Offline Support

In the old persistent model, Replicache’s offline features were simple to understand: all the data was stored locally first in one profile-wide storage area, then synced to the server. Thus, Replicache apps would transition perfectly well between online and offline, tabs would appear to sync with each other while offline, and apps could even start up offline (provided developers used e.g., ServiceWorker properly to enable that).

Part of the tradeoff for getting faster performance is that Replicache’s offline-support is no longer quite as simple or robust.


  • As with v8, a Replicache tab that is running online can go offline and continue working smoothly for some time (~hours to days depending on frequency of writes).
  • As with v8, Replicache saves changes locally every few seconds. Offline tabs can be switched away from or closed, and the computer can even shut down or crash without changes being lost. Any work done offline will be pushed to the server the next time the app is online using Replicache’s normal conflict resolution. For more information on how this works see "Mutation Recovery" in the v9.0.0-beta.1 Release Notes.
  • Unlike v8, when offline, tabs do not sync with each other. Each proceeds independently until the network is restored. Note that this also means that if a tab is closed offline, then a new tab opened offline, the new tab will not see the changes from the first tab until the network is restored.

We call this concept Local Acceleration, as opposed to Offline-First. In practice most modern web applications are not intended to be used for long periods offline, and can’t startup offline anyway. Local Acceleration captures the key benefits of offline-first for most applications β€” instant responsiveness and resilience against short periods of network loss β€” while optimizing for optimal online performance.

Multiple Users

Because Replicache reuses data persistently across tab sessions, it’s always been important to properly namespace data by user. If a single browser profile is shared by multiple users, or if a single user uses multiple user accounts within the same application, we would not want to read or modify data from account A when account B logs into the app.

Replicache provides the name constructor option for this purpose: Each named Replicache instance within an origin has its own separate namespace. Previously in Replicache name was optional, but given its security importance we started making it required in v9.

⚠️ Warning
Always provide a value for the name parameter that includes a unique user ID. This way each user will view and modify only their own data.


v9 will upgrade cleanly from earlier Replicache versions, including v9 betas.

However, it does not migrate any unsent mutations across versions. For example, if the user goes offline in v8, makes a change, then comes back to the app online and the app includes v9, the mutations made while offline in v8 will be lost. We will begin migrating such mutations across major versions beginning in our first General Availability Release, which we plan for v10.

Transitioning to v9

Despite the above lengthy notes, the transition to v9 should be fairly seamless. Basically:

  • Remove useMemstore from your Replicache constructor if present.
  • Ensure you provide a name parameter to Replicache, this is now required (generally the userID that is logged in).
  • Do not use the clientID as a parameter to generate the diff for replicache-pull from. Only the cookie should be used. This is because when Replicache forks to create a new clien...
Read more

v9.0.0-beta.2: HMR Fix

25 Feb 01:03
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See the v9.0.0-beta.0 and v9.0.0-beta.1 Release Notes first if you are upgrading from v8. Additionally:

🎁 Features

  • We now prefix Replicache IDB instances with the string rep: so they can be easily distinguished in developer tools (#842)

🧰 Fixes

  • Fix bug that was preventing Hot Module Replacement from working (#846)
  • Remove reference to window that was preventing Replicache from working within web workers (#844)


v9.0.0-beta.2 will upgrade cleanly from 9.0.0-beta.1 or earlier Replicache versions.

However, it does not migrate any unsent mutations across versions. For example, if the user goes offline in v8 or v9.0.0-beta.1, makes a change, then comes back to the app online and the app includes v9, the mutations made while offline in v8 will be lost. We will begin migrating such mutations across major versions beginning in our first General Availability Release, which we plan for v10.

v9.0.0-beta.1: Mutation Recovery

11 Feb 00:40
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See the v9.0.0-beta.0 Release Notes first if you are upgrading from v8. Additionally:

🎁 Features

  • Changes made while a tab is offline are now guaranteed to be sent next time Replicache connects (see Mutation Recovery below).

⚠️ Breaking Changes

  • Removed the deprecated pushAuth, getPushAuth, pullAuth, and getPullAuth features. These features were deprecated in Replicache 6.4.0 and have been replaced with auth and getAuth.
  • The schemaVersion property of the Replicache class is now read-only. This field was previously mutable, but setting it had no effect.

Mutation Recovery

The major change in 9.0.0-beta.1 over the previous 9.0.0-beta.0 is the addition of Mutation Recovery.

In 9.0.0-beta.0, if a tab was offline and then closed (or crashed, froze, etc) before going back online, any mutations made in that tab would be permanently lost. In the release notes for 9.0.0-beta.0, we noted this was temporary and would be fixed in the next beta. Mutation Recovery implements the fix.

It works as follows:

  • While a Replicache instance is running, it periodically syncs with the server and stores pending mutations locally.
  • Each time Replicache syncs with the server, any mutations acknowledged by the server are removed from local storage.
  • If a Replicache instance is offline, pending mutations accumulate until it comes back online.
  • If the Replicache instance is closed before it goes back online, then prior to Mutation Recovery those pending mutations would never be sent.
  • With Mutation Recovery, when each new Replicache instance is constructed, it first checks to see if any other instance (having the same name, see below) has pending mutations that need to be sent. If such pending mutations are found then the running instance recovers those mutations and pushes them to the server. We also run this recovery process when we detect that connection to the server has moved from offline to online.
  • Mutation Recovery works whether the source tab crashes, gets frozen, gets put in the bfcache, gets throttled, or even if the source tab is still running but simply hasn’t pushed for some unknown reason. The process actually doesn’t care about the state of the source tab at all: each new instance simply checks every other instance and sends any pending mutations found.

Multiple Users

Because Replicache reuses data persistently across tab sessions, it’s always been important to properly namespace data by user. If a single browser profile is shared by multiple users, or if a single user uses multiple user accounts within the same application, we would not want to read or modify data from account A when account B logs into the app.

Replicache has always provided the name constructor option for this purpose: Each named Replicache instance within an origin has its own separate namespace.

Mutation Recovery reuses the same mechanism. When one Replicache instance looks for mutations to recover from other instances, it only considers instances with the same name.

⚠️ Warning
Always provide a value for the name parameter that includes a unique user ID. This way each user will view and modify only their own data.


v9.0.0-beta.1 will upgrade cleanly from 9.0.0-beta.0 or earlier Replicache versions.

However, it does not migrate any unsent mutations across versions. For example, if the user goes offline in v8, makes a change, then comes back to the app online and the app includes v9, the mutations made while offline in v8 will be lost. We will begin migrating such mutations across major versions beginning in our first General Availability Release, which we plan for v10.

v9.0.0-beta.0 - Unified Storage Model

26 Jan 20:01
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🎁 Features

  • There is no longer a useMemstore flag. Replicache responds is near-memory speed all the time and persists to IndexedDB in the background (see Unified Storage Model below).
  • Replicache is faster, often dramatically so, on every benchmark as compared to v8 (see Performance below).
  • Replicache now has an experimental new poke method. This enables directly programmatically adding data to Replicache without having to go through pull.
  • The mutation type sent to replicache-push now includes a timestamp property, which is the original (client-local) timestamp the mutation occurred at.
  • The size of was reduced 28%, down to ~18kb.

🧰 Fixes

  • Replicache is no longer slow when dev tools is open (#634)

⚠️ Breaking Changes

  • The name parameter is now required. This is used to differentiate Replicache data within the same origin. For security, provide a value that includes a unique ID for the current user. This ensures each user sees and modifies only their own local data.

Unified Storage Model

The major change in Replicache v9 is the introduction of our new Unified Storage Model.

This removes the useMemstore flag from the Replicache constructor, because it’s no longer needed: Replicache now provides read/write access at near-memory speed, suitable for use in interactive applications like drag/drop and typing, but also saves snapshots to IDB every few seconds.


In Replicache v8, there were two storage modes: memory, and persistent, controlled by the useMemstore constructor flag.

In persistent mode (useMemstore=false), each browser profile was a Replicache client, with a single clientID and storage area shared amongst all tabs over the lifetime of the profile. Accessing data directly from IDB is super slow β€” way too slow to back interactive experiences like mouse movement and typing β€” which forced developers to cache this data in memory on top of Replicache. This in turn created complexities keeping the in-memory and persistent state in sync. Additionally sharing a single storage area among many tabs created complexities versioning this storage β€” you can’t change the schema of storage that other tabs are using!

In contrast, in memory mode (useMemstore=true), each unique instance of the Replicache class was its own client, with its own unique clientID and in-memory storage that only lasted the lifetime of that instance (usually a single page load). Being in memory, this mode was much faster and could back mouse movement and keystrokes, but was only suitable for small amounts of data since you wouldn’t want to re-download tons of data on every startup!

Unified Storage Model

Starting in Replicache v9, useMemstore goes away and there is only one unified storage model that mostly combines the best attributes of the old memory mode and persistent mode: it’s as fast (actually faster in most cases β€” see PERF) than the old memory mode, but also persists every few seconds to storage so that data can be reused across instances.

Just like the old memory model, every instance of the Replicache class (again, every individual page load) is its own unique client with its own unique clientID. And conceptually each such client has its own distinct storage area, separate from all other clients.

πŸ’‘ Note
Internally, we heavily deduplicate storage amongst clients, so that in reality each client only stores what is unique to it.

When a new client is instantiated, Replicache forks the storage from some previous instance with the same name and schemaVersion (see schema versioning, below), so that the net effect is almost as if the storage was shared between the two tabs.

Importantly, though, changes in one tab do not show up immediately in other tabs because they don’t completely share storage. When online, it will appear as if storage is shared because changes in one tab will be synced rapidly to other tabs via the server. But when offline, that syncing will stop occurring and the tabs will proceed independently (see offline, below).


A previous headache in persistent mode was versioning the local schema. We could not use the common strategy of migrating the schema on startup since other tabs might be using the storage at that moment. Also, writing migration code is difficult to do correctly and not a task our users reported being excited about.

With each client having its own logical storage, things are far simpler:

  • When you construct Replicache, optionally provide a schemaVersion which is the version of the data understood by the calling application code.
  • When you change the format of the client view in a backward incompatible way, change the schema version.
  • When Replicache forks to create a new storage area, it only forks from previous clients with the same schemaVersion . This does mean that when you change your schema version, clients will have to download a new copy of the data. But this is much more robust than trying to migrate data, and we think it’s the right tradeoff for almost all apps.
  • Other clients that haven’t yet upgraded proceed happily using the old schema in their own storage until they decide to upgrade.
  • Replicache also includes the schemaVersion in replicache-push and replicache-pull so that the server can respond appropriately.

Offline Support

In the old persistent model, Replicache’s offline features were simple to understand: all the data was stored locally first in one profile-wide storage area, then synced to the server. Thus, Replicache apps would transition perfectly well between online and offline, tabs would appear to sync with each other while offline, and apps could even start up offline (provided developers used e.g., ServiceWorker properly to enable that).

Part of the tradeoff for getting faster performance is that Replicache’s offline-support is no longer quite as simple or robust.


  • As with v8, a Replicache tab that is running online can go offline and continue working smoothly for some time (~hours to days depending on frequency of writes).
  • As with v8, Replicache saves changes locally every few seconds. Offline tabs can be switched away from or closed, and the computer can even shut down or crash without changes being lost. Any work done offline will be pushed to the server the next time the app is online using Replicache’s normal conflict resolution.
  • Unlike v8, when offline, tabs do not sync with each other. Each proceeds independently until the network is restored. Note that this also means that if a tab is closed offline, then a new tab opened offline, the new tab will not see the changes from the first tab until the network is restored.

We call this concept Local Acceleration, as opposed to Offline-First. In practice most modern web applications are not intended to be used for long periods offline, and can’t startup offline anyway. Local Acceleration captures the key benefits of offline-first for most applications β€” instant responsiveness and resilience against short periods of network loss β€” while optimizing for optimal online performance.

⚠️ Warning:
In this v9.0.0-beta.0 we don’t yet recover mutations from tabs closed while offline. This will be in the next beta.

Transitioning to v9

Despite the above lengthy explanation, the transition to v9 should be fairly seamless. Basically:

  • Remove useMemstore from your Replicache constructor if present.
  • Ensure you provide a name parameter to Replicache, this is now required (generally the userID that is logged in).
  • Do not use the clientID as a parameter to generate the diff for replicache-pull from. Only the cookie should be used. This is because when Replicache forks to create a new client, it assigns a new clientID. If you are using the clientID as an input to replicache-pull you will find that in many cases the clientID is new and thus probably send reset patches to every new client.


Metric v9 v8 (persistent) v8 (mem)
Write/Sub/Read (1mb total storage) 1.6ms 72ms (+45x) 2.8ms (+1.75x)
Write/Sub/Read (16mb total storage) 3.8ms 267ms (+70x) 5.4ms (+1.4x)
Bulk Populate 1mb 45ms 183ms (+4x) 108ms (+2.4x)
Scan 1mb 3.1ms 77ms (+25x) 3.7ms (+1.2x)
Create Index (5mb total storage) 240ms 1150ms (+4.8x) 300ms (+1.25x)


11 Jan 14:01
@arv arv
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πŸ”¨ Fixes

  • Fix an issue with ref counting #775


08 Dec 00:35
@arv arv
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πŸ”¨ Fixes

  • Subscriptions with errors never recovered #754


22 Nov 22:12
@arv arv
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πŸ”¨ Fixes

  • Migration from 7 was not working correctly #704
  • Provide more details to logger when push or pull fails #690
  • Fix bug where pusher/puller/pushURL/pullURL set after construction are ignored if initially none set. #685


09 Nov 00:22
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🎁 Features

  • Our internal map data structure is now implemented using a B+ Tree, which improves performance throughout, but especially on the core write/sub/read loop which improves 13x (πŸ˜‚) in this release at 4MB cache size. Populate takes a hit, but we plan to fix that before the real 8.0. #596
  • We also now track the core write/sub/read perf at p50 and p95, along with several other important metrics, here:
  • Expose clientID on ReadTransaction and WriteTransaction. This is convenient for multiplayer applications. #541.
  • We now expose the PushRequest, PushResponse, PullRequest, and PullResponse TypeScript types for convenience when implementing servers. #459.

πŸ”¨ Fixes

  • There was a significant perf issues during pull where indexes were incorrectly recomputed. This has been resolved. #601.

🚨 Breaking Changes

  • Replicache no longer implements ReadTransaction. This is very minor and you'd be unlikely to notice it, but it is technically a breaking change. If you were assigning an instance of Replicache to a variable of type ReadTransaction, this no longer works. The actual API exposed by Replicache is unchanged. See: ba39583.
  • Removed keyPrefix from createIndex(). It was deprecated four months ago in favor of prefix, which should be used instead. See: 883c864.
  • The register method was removed from Replicache. It was deprecated 7 months ago in favor of the mutators parameter to the Replicache constructor. See 9825000.

8.0 beta 0

28 Oct 02:27
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⚠️ Warning!
This beta release does not yet upgrade stored data from 7.0. This will be addressed before 8.0 stable.

🎁 Features

  • Our internal map data structure is now implemented using a B+ Tree, which improves performance throughout, but especially on the core write/sub/read loop which improves 13x (πŸ˜‚) in this release at 4MB cache size. Populate takes a hit, but we plan to fix that before the real 8.0. #596
  • Expose clientID on ReadTransaction and WriteTransaction. This is convenient for multiplayer applications. #541.
  • We now expose the PushRequest, PushResponse, PullRequest, and PullResponse TypeScript types for convenience when implementing servers. #459.

πŸ”¨ Fixes

  • There was a significant perf issues during pull where indexes were incorrectly recomputed. This has been resolved. #601.

🚨 Breaking Changes

  • Replicache no longer implements ReadTransaction. This is very minor and you'd be unlikely to notice it, but it is technically a breaking change. If you were assigning an instance of Replicache to a variable of type ReadTransaction, this no longer works. The actual API exposed by Replicache is unchanged. See: ba39583.