The Ovirtlib4 Project is a wrapper for the OvirtSdk4 project, It fully integrated with OvirtSdk4. You can use the benefits of this wrapper without losing any OvirtSdk4 abilities
- Python 3.6
- ovirtsdk4
$ export PYCURL_SSL_LIBRARY=openssl $ pip install git+
PYCURL_SSL_LIBRARY is required to install "pycurl" that required by ovirtsdk4, If you encounter the following error while import ovirtsdk4 or ovirtlib4
ImportError: pycurl: libcurl link-time ssl backend (openssl) is different from compile-time ssl backend (nss)Then run the following commands to fix it:
$ export PYCURL_SSL_LIBRARY=openssl $ pip install -I pycurl --no-cache-dir
This Lib file is intended to simplify the use of OvirtSdk4. The main class is the root of all the components/entities of oVirt, by navigating the classpath you can quickly find and set/get any oVirt feature/information.
The main ovirtsdk4 includes basic REST API commands, it still needs create simple methods for performing complex operations. So instead of "inventing the wheel" again and again by different developer/teams, you can use this library and contribute to the community by extending it with your added methods
- Fully integrated with the parent ovirtsdk4
- Quick and easy use of oVirt REST commands
It all starts with the OvirtLib() main class. This class holds the oVirt Collections and it used as the root point accessing any oVirt entity, only by using class-path navigation.
Each collection return a list of CollectionEntity() classesEach CollectionEntity() class include two fields
- CollectionEntity.entity hold the Entity type, (e.g.: ovirtsdk4.types.Vm) it includes the Entity properties and 'links'.
- CollectionEntity.service hold the Entity service, that holds the Entity 'actions'.
** Collection **--------------------------------Each collection must inherit from CollectionService()The new inherit class must define 3 parameters at the __init__() method:1. self.service: the collection service from the SDK2. self.entity_service: the entity service usually found under 'self.service' above3. self.entity.type: the entity type from the SDKThe new inherit class must also overwrite the following method4. _get_collection_entity():This method must return a link to a new class inherit from CollectionEntity().This class represent an individual entity inside the collection,It used to:- Store custom functions related to the individual entity.- Add links to its sub collectionsSee the example below, how to define VMs collection that will return a list of VmEntitiy()'sclass Vms(CollectionService): """ Gives access to all Ovirt VMs """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.service = self.connection.system_service().vms_service() # 1 above self.entity_service = self.service.vm_service # 2 above self.entity_type = types.Vm # 3 above def _get_collection_entity(self): # 4 above """ Overwrite abstract parent method """ return VmEntity(connection=self.connection) class VmEntity(CollectionEntity): # 4 above """ Put VM custom functions here """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): CollectionEntity. __init__(self, *args, **kwargs)** Sub-Collection **--------------------------------Entity can include other collections, for example, VM can include collections of NICs or Disks, etc...At the example below, we define sub-collection for the VmEntitiy()class VmEntity(CollectionEntity): """ Put VM custom functions here """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(). __init__(*args, **kwargs) @property def nics(self): return VmNics(connection=self.service) # self.service is the indevidual VM service class VmNics(CollectionService): """ Gives access to all VM NICs """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.service = self.connection.nics_service() # self.connection is the VM collection service self.entity_service = self.service.nic_service # same as Collection above self.entity_type = types.Nic # same as Collection above def _get_collection_entity(self): """ Overwrite abstract parent method """ return VmNic(connection=self.connection) class VmNic(CollectionEntity): """ Put VmNic custom functions here """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
There are several options for retrieving entity links:1. Through get() e.g.: get(follow="link_name")For more information about the 'follow' get() parameter see:2. Define the 'self.follows' for a collectionself.follows: If it sets, it will retrieve assigning links when calling get()3. Use the ovirtlib.follow_link() method4. Use the CollectionEntity.follow_link() methodSections 1..3 will retrieve the entity links, but they will not include the entity serviceOption 4 will also include the application service if it initializes the 'collection_service' parameterNote that you will not need to use 'follow_link()' if a sub-collections is defined instead
get() is fully integrated with OvirtSdk4 list() methodThe SDK list() methods of some services support additional parameters.For more information please refer to the OvirtSdk4 documentationFor example you can use vms.get(search="name=VM_name") to retrieve a special VMOr use the 'max' parameter to limit the retrieving events*E.g.: the following will return the HostedEngine VM only*: engine.vms.list(search="name!=HostedEngine") *E.g.: the following will return 10 events* v1.1.0 'get()' will be executed when calling the collection class e.g.: vms()So 'ovirtlib.vms.get()' is eqvivalent to 'ovirtlib.vms()'Note that to be updated with the remote engine you must call 'get()'e.g.:'vm.entity.status' and 'vm().entity.status' or 'vm.get().entity.status' are not equivalent,the first read the status of a local retrieved VM class and the second,first retrieves the VM data from the remote engine and then display its statusE.g.: the following will return all VM except the HostedEngine VM:Note that as a convention functions that starts with 'get*()' or list()are retrieving data from the remote Engine.
vms = ovirtlib.vms() # Return list of CollectionEntiry() class vms = ovirtlib.vms.get() # Same as above vms[0].entity # entity holds the Entity fields and links vms[0].service # service holds the Entity actionsAt the above commands vm.entity is equivalent to:
vm = ovirtsdk4.system_service().vms_service().list()[0]And vm.service is equivalent to:
vm_service = ovirtsdk4.system_service().vms_service().vm_service(
E.g: retrieving VM/s via OvirtSdk4, start it, and display its name:
vm = sdk_connection.system_service().vms_service().list()[0] vm_service = sdk_connection.system_service().vms_service().vm_service( vm_sevice.start() print( equivalent for the following OvirtLib4 command:
vm = ovirtlib.vms()[0] vm.service.start() print(
Initialize the OvirtLib class e.g.:
from ovirtlib4 import ovirtlib engine = ovirtlib.OvirtLib(host="", password="engine_admin_password")Get and start all VMs:
vms = engine.vms.get() for vm in vms: print("Starting VM {name}".format( vm.service.start()Get all hosts:
hosts = engine.hosts.get() or hosts = engine.hosts()You can use the get_names() CollectionService method to retrieve the names of all entities at the collection:
engine.hosts.get_names()""" Add Example, use the 'entity_type()' of each collection to add new entities to a collection """ vm1 = engine.vms()[0] # Get the first VM vnic_profile = engine.vnic_profiles()[0] # Get the first vNIC Profile new_nic = vm1.nics.entity_type( # Use the entity_type to create the new NIC object name='new_nic_name', vnic_profile=engine.vnic_profiles.entity_type( ) vm1.nics.service.add(new_nic) # Add the new NIC to selected VM
- git clone
- It is recommended to read ovirtsdk4 documentation before starting to contribute to this project