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ROS 2 Migration: gazebo_ros_api_plugin

chapulina edited this page Aug 30, 2019 · 9 revisions


On ROS 1, gazebo_ros_api_plugin was a large plugin which offered a lot of functionality in a bundle, giving users little flexibility to opt-in/out of features. On ROS 2, this plugin is being split into smaller, more focused plugins.

The progress of this task is being tracked on issue #779. As features are ported to ROS 2, this migration page will be updated.


This is a system plugin which:

  • Forwards command line arguments to rclcpp::init
  • Publishes sim time on /clock
  • Offers the following services:
    • reset_world
    • reset_simulation
    • pause_physics
    • unpause_physics

See more details on ROS 2 Migration: ROS clocks and sim time.


This is a system plugin which:

  • Forwards command line arguments to rclcpp::init
  • Provides the spawn_entity ROS service for spawning SDF/URDF models and lights into simulation.
  • Provides the delete_entity ROS service for deleting models and lights from simulation.

See more details on ROS 2 Migration: Spawn and delete.


This is a world plugin which:

  • Provides the get_entity_state ROS service for querying the pose and twist of models, links and lights in simulation.
  • Provides the set_entity_state ROS service for setting the pose and twist of models, links and lights in simulation.
  • Publishes the model_states ROS topic periodically with the pose and twist of all models in simulation.

See more details on ROS 2 Migration: Entity states.


This is a system plugin which:

  • Provides the apply_link_wrench ROS service for applying force and torque to links.
  • Provides the clear_link_wrenches ROS service for deleting all applied forces and torques on links.
  • Provides the apply_joint_effort ROS service for applying force on joints.
  • Provides the clear_joint_efforts ROS service for deleting all applied forces on joints.

See more details on ROS 2 Migration: Body Wrench and Joint Effort.


TODO @shiveshkhaitan Document

  • Services:
    • get_model_properties
    • get_joint_properties
    • get_link_properties
    • get_light_properties
    • set_joint_properties
    • set_link_properties
    • set_light_properties