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Thomas B edited this page Mar 21, 2016 · 1 revision

Plugin Events in JavaScript

NOTE: This page requires review and update

There are yet a few events that your script can subscribe to:

Global Events


The first event to be triggered when a page loads. This is the place where plugins can add their UI elements and register custom commands.


  • task
  • action


Triggered when a user selects a new folder (either in mail or address book task). Please note that this is called before the message list is reloaded.


  • folder: New selected folder name
  • old: Previously selected folder


Similar to the selectfolder event but triggered after the message list (or contacts) list was updated.


  • folder
  • rowcount


This hook is triggered after a new row was added to the message list or the contacts list respectively.


  • uid: Row UID
  • row: Reference to the according DOM node


This hook is triggered after a new contact group was added to the folders list.


  • id: Group ID
  • name: Group name
  • li: Reference to the list item node


This hook is triggered after contact group was updated in the folders list.


  • id: Group ID
  • name: Group name
  • li: Reference to the list item node


This event is triggered just before a contact group is removed from the folders list.


  • id: Group ID
  • li: Reference to the list item to be removed

before* and after*

As you might have seen in the code the RoundCube client is based on commands which can be triggered by different UI elements. To make this document as short as possible we just describe two general events: before<command> and after<command>.

These events are triggered before and after the RoundCube client executes a certain command. An event handler of the before* events can return false in order to prevent the command to be executed.